Page 31 of Pretty Heartache
“Business is good.” Archer nods, a small smile playing on his mouth. “I’ve got a few of my connections set up for transactions this week.”
I don’t like hearing about Archer’s business dealings and how he’s gotten himself into this mess. Years spent trying toget ahead or come up with other means of earning money has landed him in a web he can’t seem to get out of.
“What about the money you owe me?” Soren asks, bringing his fingers to his mouth. “I give you my largest inventory for you to resell, and I have yet to be paid for any of it. You see, when it comes to this type of business, time is money.”
“I told you I’d have it to you by next week.” Archer straightens his back and tries to appear casual and relaxed, but the pulse in his temple rapidly speeds up. “You have my word.”
“You know…” Soren’s face transforms. His mouth straightens, and it’s clear the pleasantries are gone. He doesn’t take his eyes off Archer. “Here I was worried you’d brought a Harding with you, but it’s clear I was mistaken. Your word doesn’t mean shit to me, Mayfield. You told me you would have it to me two weeks ago.”
“We’ve been doing business for years, Soren,” Archer argues. “You know I’m good for it.”
“Hmm.” He lifts his hand and scratches at his clean-shaven chin with a sneer as he steps closer to Archer, bringing his nose in line with his. “If your word is as good as you say it is, I’m going to need some reassurance.”
My stomach twists into knots. Like an anchor dropping into the sea, I feel sick.
Soren nods his head to the man flanking him on his right. The large man moves around Soren, sliding between him and me. In the time it takes me to blink, he clutches Archer’s lapels, fisting the silky fabric, and pulls him to his chest, rearing his ring-laden fist back. Driving his fist into Archer’s face, he delivers a solid, quick blow, knocking him to the floor. The broken barstools fall back as Archer topples against them and lands on the sticky tile.
I stuff my balled-up fists into the pockets of my jeans, even though instinct tells me to intervene. I want to fight back anddefend my best friend, but I’m outnumbered. The other man behind Soren side steps, closing in on me in silent warning to not get involved. My heart leaps out of my chest when I watch Soren step forward and hover over Archer. He’s curled into the fetal position on his side, covering his nose as he groans. Blood spills onto his hand and drips onto the floor.
The patrons in the bar appear unfazed. The bartender continues cleaning glasses. Her eyes lift only briefly to see what’s unfolding on the other side of her bar, but she doesn’t intervene. One country song ends, rolling right into the next. A happy tune starts playing, drowning out Archer’s moans and groans of pain.
Soren pulls something from his pocket. It doesn’t hit me right away what it is until I hear the sharp click of a blade popping out from the handle. He grips Archer’s jaw, tugging his face to look up at him.
Archer groans again, looking up at Soren with hooded eyes as Soren brings the blade to Archer’s throat and presses it against his skin. He kneels lower, pushing his nose to Archer’s. Archer writhes under Soren’s firm grip, twisting his head from side to side.
Clicking his tongue, Soren disapproves, seething with anger. Veins bulge and pulsate from his thick neck. I don’t dare move knowing the bodyguard standing in front of me won’t hesitate to put me in the same position as Archer.
“Brave and bold Archer Mayfield,” Soren practically sings, teasing. “Son of a district attorney. Tech millionaire. Let’s get one thing straight.” He smooths his hand over Archer’s face, pushing back his brown hair. Fear spreads across Archer’s broken face, and my heart cracks. Soren adds pressure to the knife he’s wielding. One quick slip, and I’ll be witnessing my best friend’s murder. “If I don’t get my fucking money by the end of the month, it’ll be more than your little pussy Harding friendover here who will suffer. One by one, I’ll take out every single person you care about.”
“You’ll get your money,” Archer tries to reassure him.
“I’d better.” Soren soothes his hand over Archer’s face once more before clasping his jaw again. “Or else that sweet baby sister of yours will unfortunately never be able to model again.”
Archer grunts as blood spills from his nose. He kicks under Soren, anger building behind him. “Don’t you fucking touch her,” Archer spits, blood spraying from his mouth.
My heart pounds, clawing to jump out of my chest. I tighten my fists at the mention of Adeline. I want nothing more than to lunge forward and take down Soren for even mentioning Adeline’s name. She doesn’t need to be brought into this.
“Oh,” Soren says, raising his eyebrows and tilting his head to the side. “You didn’t think I knew about that baby sister of yours. Hard to ignore a sweet cunt like that one.”
Archer grunts again, his eyes flaming with anger. “Fuck you.”
“No, no, no.” Soren shakes his head in disapproval. “I’d watch that mouth of yours if I were you.” He slowly drags the sharp edge of his blade across Archer’s lip with a sneer. When he’s satisfied with Archer’s silence, he slaps Archer’s cheek in approval and stands. He closes his blade and drops it back into his pocket. Fixing the ends of his sleeves, he steps back and smooths down his dark brown hair. “Have a safe trip back home to Austria, Archer. I look forward to hearing from you by the end of the month.”
Soren’s bodyguard moves to stand behind his boss again.
Soren glances at me. “Harding.” He nods. “It’s been a pleasure. For your sake, I hope we don’t need to meet like this again.”
I stay planted where I am, panic slithering down the length of my spine. Soren’s threat to me isn’t what has me worried. It’s the one he’s put on Adeline.
Once they leave the bar, Archer moves to stand. He rolls onto all fours, taking a moment to catch his breath. I don’t help him stand, too angry to do anything. I’ve tried to help Archer for years. He’s the best person I’ve known and has been there for me in times I needed him, but I don’t recognize him now. Not anymore.
I don’t recognize the man in front of me—the one willing to put the safety of his sister and everyone he cares about at risk.
And if Archer can’t protect Adeline…
I will.