Page 90 of Pretty Heartache
Four days have passed since we watched Archer walk out the front door. I’ve messaged him telling him I’d love to meet up and talk with him about everything when he has the chance.
He said he will make it right with Soren, and I’m not entirely certain what that means. Fear for my brother’s safety plays in my mind. I’m angry with him for allowing Micah to take the fall for him all those years ago. Micah made the ultimate sacrifice for his friend, yet Archer hasn’t been the best support for Micah since he was released. If anything, my brother hasn’t been able to dig himself out of the hole he’s gotten himself into. Over the past four days, I’ve tried to place myself in my brother’s shoes. My father’s influence as both our father and District Attorney is strong. If Archer felt he was drowning in his business, I don’tblame him for going to our father for help. But at some point, the water became too high for Archer to swim in. The waves of the drug trade my father had pulled him into became too turbulent. Eventually, Archer struggled to stay afloat. Then like the current, the tide constantly shifted, pulling him farther adrift from the shore. Archer must not have been able to find a way back. A way out. Once he pulls himself out just a little, he gets sucked right back in, deeper every time.
I’m waiting for Archer’s message when Micah’s name flashes across the screen. I immediately answer, my stomach fluttering with excitement, despite the thunder crackling outside—a prelude to the storm coming.
“Hey, everything okay?” he’s quick to ask me. His paranoia about my safety is over the top but sweet.
I smile, humbled by his protective streak. I love it, and I love him.
I giggle. “Everything is fine. Where are you now?”
“We’re about forty-five minutes out from the house. I should have driven myself, but Lennon insisted Ray take us together. I told him to run through every red light once we get off the highway and to drive at least twenty over the speed limit just to get there faster.” He laughs.
“Please don’t do that.” My cheeks turn red. “A storm is coming, and the last thing I need is for you to get into an accident. Tell Ray to obey all traffic laws.”
I stand in front of the kitchen sink and rinse my coffee mug from this morning. I see my reflection through the glass of the window overlooking the backyard. It’s out of focus, and I still have yet to look myself dead in the mirror, but I’m getting closer.
Every day I put my past in the rearview mirror, the more I’m embracing my new life. I’m learning to fall in love with myself again and learn who I want to be. After Archer showed up the other day, I’ve gotten a better sense of those around me. Noteverything in my life is painted in black and white. It doesn’t have to be. My life can be full of color even when surrounded by truth.
I feel whole and complete with Micah. His house has become our house, and I’ve never felt more at peace than I do here with him.
Micah lowers his voice, whispering into the phone. His voice in my ear sends shivers down my spine. “I can’t wait to get back to you and bury myself in you. I’m going to fuck you so long and hard, I’ll make it so you’ll never want to leave our bed.”
Our bed.
My heart flutters in my chest as another round of thunder rolls through the sky. The trees begin to violently sway, the moon hanging overhead casting a white glow on the backyard.
I grip the edge of the counter. “I can’t wait for you to come home, either.”
“I heard that,” Lennon mumbles in the background. “Did you forget I’m sitting right next to you? On the side you’re holding the phone?”
I laugh again as the lights in the kitchen flicker. I look up at the ceiling, and they flash a few more times before shutting off completely.
“Oh shit.” I groan.
“What is it?”
“The power just went out.”
“Fuck.” Micah sighs.
“I’m fine,” I reassure him, trying my best to stay calm. “The storm is getting worse, but it’s not like I can’t handle a little power outage.”
I know he worries about me—mostly because he’s worried the risk of Soren is still present—but the security system Micah put in place several weeks ago has worked. The fencesurrounding the property offers more protection along with the cameras.
“There’s a generator on the side of the house,” he tells me. “It should kick in any minute. The security system is also programmed to run even when the main source of power gives out.”
“Good,” I breathe out, relieved. The wind howls outside, blowing against the side of the house. I stand on my tiptoes, peering up at the night sky.
Micah left this morning, but it takes more than two hours to drive down to Connecticut from where we live, and when you factor in Boston traffic, you can count on adding another hour. Going to Connecticut wasn’t going to be a quick day trip. It’s already past nine, and he still isn’t back.
But since he didn’t want to leave me as it was, Micah made sure the security system was put in place the best he could. We’re still waiting on the front gate to be installed, but we at least have the other systems installed. It’s better than it was before.
Dark clouds roll over the blanket of midnight blue, covering the moon. I’m still leaning over the counter, peering up, when another round of thunderclaps erupt, followed by bolts of lightning. I jump, and my breath catches in my throat.
Micah’s in my ear replaying his whole tour of the pharmaceutical factory. I’ve gathered and understood bits and pieces of his story, only partially listening. The lights haven’t turned back on yet, though, and I’m wondering if it takes longer than Micah said it would.
“The lights haven’t come back on yet, Micah.” I don’t want to sound too paranoid because that will only worry him more than he already is. “I don’t think the generators kicked on yet. Isn’t it supposed to be by now?”