Page 25 of Chasing the Night
“Messiah!” I exclaimed, horrified by his callousness.
“Enough, Reverie. She’s family now.”
My attention volleyed between them so fast I started feeling woozy. Reverie hung her head, but the gasping and quiet crying continued.
“Messiah…” I repeated.
“It’s just… I was so close to having to…” she sloppily managed, “…what if it hadn’t worked in…”
It was as far as she got. Messiah’s hand fell across her mouth, and he used his body to drive her like a bull from the room. Her muffled screams sent me subconsciously backing toward the corner. My heart began to race. What the fuck was going on?
The door slammed shut, and Messiah was walking back toward me with considerable speed.
“No! I didn’t…” I screeched curling my side into a guarded position. I stood flinching for several moments before I worked up enough courage to peek across at him. His shoulders were slumped, and he shook his head before he offered his arm.
“Never fear me, Chalice. I will kill for you someday,” he said, about the time that my fingers brushed his wrinkled sleeve. I jerked my hand back like I had stuck it to an iron.
“What does that mean?” I asked in the meekest voice I had probably ever found.
“It means you are a Krypt… just like Reverie.”
“You killed her husband?” I whispered, almost inaudibly.
Silence and a pointed, yet vacant stare, was all Messiah offered.