Page 40 of Chasing the Night
“My mother is gone.” I winked and nudged him, encouraging him to slide out of the booth. “Are you going to walk me home, Keif of House Kantor, or has my presence in this flesh den sullied my reputation beyond all repair?”
His face flushed, and he tipped it back as if I had gone too far before the smile gave way.
We walked home like the oldest of friends, joking and reminiscing. I didn’t realize we had passed his stop until we were at the edge of House Krypt’s District.
“When will I see you again?” he whispered, coming to a still without releasing my hand.
“Tomorrow, if you can get the same table,” I challenged.
He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it tenderly while offering me a wink over top. “Until then, Lady Chalice of House Krypt.”
My hand tingled with the memory of his affection, and the smile lingered, long after he had rounded the corner.
“Real sweetheart, that one,” Ender cooed, ripping me from the moment. I spun around so fast I almost made myself dizzy, or maybe it was my brain scrambling for some excuse that simply wasn’t there.
“What are you two doing out here at such an hour?” Messiah’s voice drifted from behind me. I didn’t know where to turn, or hide, for that matter. My breath and entire existence stilled and hinged on Ender’s next few words.
I stared at him, imploring his silence with my eyes.
“Enjoying the stars,” Ender thoughtfully mused, even glancing toward the sky to lend belief toward his cause.
“Indeed. A night to be appreciated.” Messiah sighed before wrapping his arm affectionately around my shoulders and escorting me inside.
His scent snared me, I closed my eyes and caved to the sanctuary of his embrace while he led me down the halls. It made me hate Blazian all over again. She prowled with him brazenly while I was forced to settle for stalking him in secret. It was a pitiful existence, but it had passed the days since darkness claimed the Villa and everyone in it.
Reverie had been the humanity of House Krypt. I was determined to be both its weapon and weakness.
She was hiding something. I felt her hiding it deep inside when my arm met her shoulders, but I left her secrets be. All women had them, right? I gave her a gentle squeeze without realizing it and led her down the hall.
“I bid you good evening, Lady Chalice,” I offered, opening the door to her chambers for her.
She cast a glance over her shoulder, only returning her attention to me when Ender had left her sight.
“Of course… Good night, Messiah,” she softly offered before raising up to her toes and planting a kiss to my cheek. It was a chaste display of affection, but coming from her, it held the potential for so much more.
I turned around and started down the hall, listening closely for the click of her door. It took a while, but it finally came, a moment before I questioned the fruity scent she had carried. I stood at the base of the stairs and stared back down the hall toward her door. Five minutes. Ten.
I started for Ender’s room. I knew he was sober when the door opened in anticipation of my arrival.
“Good to see you’ve found yourself again,” I quietly sang before rounding the corner for his sofa. He sat on the other end of it, grinding his Nirvana Root between his fingers. We stared at each other for a while, him crumbling the narcotics, and me blinking as if I could have somehow telepathically squeezed some sense into him.
We both worked for the authority of Rochambeau, he was the authority on expiration, and I was the authority over corrections. Amazing what affluence and position could do for a person.
I was a branded thief and responsible for every convict in Rochambeau.
“We both know if you tie me up, it isn’t going to be in that jail,” he sang under his breath. His head was tilted as if he were going to attend his drugs, but his eyes were still very much on me. Coy little fucker that he was.
I shut the door and sank down on the other end of the couch, helping myself to a glass of his wine and avoiding his general direction. My efforts were for naught. The moment he got the stuff lit, a wide circle of cloud crept toward me. The undeniable scent of his forbidden delicacy filled the room, instantly making me light headed, though I continued to decline his repeated offers to join him.
“She’s following you, you know…” He laughed over a cough.
“Oh, I know,” I drawled, sharing the laugh. The root must have taken a little hold on me, because my tension left, and I almost felt swaddled by the sofa.
“You do?” He coughed, choking on the smoke. His shock was genuine, and he looked toward me with more than a little concern in his bloodshot emeralds.
“Mm.” I nodded.