Page 60 of Chasing the Night
“Get some sleep,” I strained to suggest before taking the stairs two at a time. She could have the room—I wouldn’t be sleeping tonight. Not after that.
I’d seen more sides to Ender than I thought possible. His devotion to his twin slipped past the brotherly expectations I had held. Demetri was his weakness. His humanity. In the days following the surgery, he had met every battle cry that rang over the mountain. I watched him once, through a looking glass in his room.
I pictured so many things over the years, listening to that metal clash and hiss through the woods. Nothing in my wildest imaginations could have measured up to the sight of him charging into battle. He didn’t confront his opponents, he cut through them.
It occurred to me while I was watching it all, that the name he possessed was likely assigned to him, and with good cause. Any sensible woman would have heeded such intuition, but not me. In my twisted existence it only made me want him all the more. I wanted to hear him chanting my name like the sweetest of lasts breaths in bed and hailing it like a war cry on the battlefield. I wanted to be his weakness and his strength. I wanted him to be my Ender.
I almost had him, too, until he jumped up and bid me goodnight. My body screamed for the sudden stripping of his body heat, and I stared in confusion toward the door.
“Messiah,” I hissed to myself.
Of course, in the back of my head, I knew it wasn’t Messiah’s fault. It wasn’t anyone’s fault that Atticus was such a monster. They were likely as afraid of him as I was.
I almost laughed at my own craziness. No way in this world or the next were Messiah and Ender afraid of that vile old man. No. He had to have something on them. Some leverage or secret… I didn’t know, but I had made up my mind. I would find out. I had to sift through the secrets and find out the truth. My truth.
As far as I knew, they were clueless. The only person who knew about my true mother was Messiah. Who knew, maybe House Krypt might be a little different if Atticus wasn’t around, or Isabella for that matter. She had, after all, volunteered me to Icarus’ guests that night. She was probably in on Atticus’ scheming, too. She sure hadn’t saved Reverie, or even tried too, from what I’d seen.
I turned toward the crackle of Ender’s hearth and closed my eyes. I drifted off to sleep wondering if a person could will the truth.
As they say, be careful what you wish for. I awoke to Aella standing over me. Her smile was far too bright to be delivering anything that could possibly have been good news.
“A formal breakfast, sister.” I winced at the term of endearment, drawing back as if she were a striking serpent.
“Breakfast?” I repeated, alert but still choked with sleep.
“Indeed, a family announcement. Hurry along now.” She pranced from Ender’s room and dread settled heavily in my legs and chest.
I was still in Ender’s room!
Fated Few!
Don’t tell Atticus. Please don’t let her tell Atticus, I begged the powers that be and scrambled to wet my face and find a gown. My hair looked like it had been pulled all night, and Ender’s tiny shaving mirror offered little assistance in righting the unruly mess.
Ender met me at the bottom of the steps. He didn’t look anxious, he actually looked to be a little bored. I smoothed my gown and accepted his arm when it was offered.
“What is this about?” I asked as we moved through the halls. He gave me a side glance that labelled me silly without him having made a sound. We rounded into the dining room and any chance toward conversation was instantly denied.
Two dozen of Rochambeau’s finest were gathered around prepared to take their seats. Lady Nayana and her son were all smiles. I couldn’t help but notice that the recently branded daughter in law was not present. At the head of the table, Isabella sat with Atticus on one side and Messiah on the other. To Messiah’s right stood Lady Blazian.
Ender escorted me to a seat next to Icarus and claimed the one on my opposite side. Icarus turned to greet me, but before he could, Isabella noticed and clinked a prong against her wine glass.
“Now, now,” she called with her polished public voice. “Before we all enjoy, let us give a toast to the confirmed couple. My son Messiah and his intended Lady Blazian will be unioned at the next full moon.”
She sat her glass down and gave a genteel clap of congratulations that spread like fire around the table. I nearly dropped my glass.
I knew they were intended. Intended couples eventually sealed the deal. So why the fuck did it feel like he had me in a choke hold? His hazel eyes held mine across the table so intently he almost seemed indifferent to the speech. Sadly, Lady Blazian and Isabella noticed, too. They both leveled a glare at me that would have made me want to melt under the floorboards not so long ago.
Those days were over with. I felt betrayed, and even though part of me knew it wasn’t his choice, another part wanted revenge against them all. I sat up a bit straighter and glanced toward Ender. When he caught me staring, I smiled and turned toward Icarus allowing my half-spilled updo to flutter just so as I did.
It caught Icarus attention true to the mark. He quickly slid my silver wear free of their napkin and unfolded it before his pale blue hues looked up at me in question.
“May I?” He smiled gesturing toward my lap. Aella slid a finger along her clavicle and toyed with the strings of her corset.
I nodded, flashing him a coy smile and grazed his arm with my hand as I whispered, “Thank you.”