Page 30 of Enforce This
“I said what I said.” Mak stared blankly at his father. “He wants Trista… And I have to bury my fucking wife. So, I told him he could have her.”
Chapter Fifteen
“You did what?” Mark gripped the bedrail and roared as his face contorted against the pain and he tried to reach his son.
“You said I was the Interim Prez. My club. My call.”
“Mak…” Oak started, but his words dried on his lips when Makaveli fixed him with those heartless, hazel eyes.
“Fuck off, O,” Mak grumbled, shoving his way past him. He stopped long enough to bounce his fingers off my chest and deliver an order. “Have her at the compound, ready for pick up at midnight.”
I was so fucking shocked by the turn of events, and his lack of concern for his family, that I couldn’t react…
But Trista had no such affliction. That girl didn’t hesitate a minute. She jumped on his back the minute he passed. She crooked her arm around his throat and locked it before she dropped her weight and took them both to the floor. Her legs wound around his waist and she pinned him. Then she went into animal mode and started pounding the front of his face with the side of her free hand.
I scrambled to the floor with them and struggled to untangle her arm before Mak had a chance to flip her and unleash that famous fury of his. He was brutal and he really didn’t give a fuck if it was a woman or not.
Apparently, he’d never met a woman like his sister, ‘cause he clawed at her arm and twisted about like a turtle on its back. His face was beet red and the nurses across the hall were standing up, straining to see over the desk.
“Stop it. Stop, Trista. Stop, goddamn it.”
She bloodied his nose and split his lip before I managed to untangle them. Mak scrambled away from her, heaving for air and glaring wildly.
“I’m gone.” Anthony announced, tearing out of the hospital room without a farewell or fuck you.
“Mak!” I loudly called, stepping between him and Trista as she got up. She was panting and her hair was a damn mess but I knew from the look in her eye, she’d still give it her best if he wanted to pursue matters.
He threw a tower of vital sign equipment toward the door and shoved a visitor’s chair out of his way before lunging toward his sister.
I rushed forward and met him halfway, letting my chest collide with his.
“Get the fuck out of the way, Easy!” he roared, spittle flying from his mouth. “I’m going to teach that bitch a lesson.”
“You’ll go through me to do it,” I calmly informed him.
“This is a fucking family matter.” He tried to shove me, but I didn’t budge.
He was small. He could pack a punch, but we were both wired right now and I felt good about my odds.
“Easy, I swear to fuck.” He shook his head and ground his teeth.
“We can go if you want… Big Vick ain’t here to stop us,” I reminded him, having forgotten that Oak was in the room. Mak didn’t, his eyes widened, and his attention shot toward Oak.
Oak stormed out and I swallowed hard, but I didn’t take my eyes off Makaveli.
“You’ll pay for this,” he promised, before shoving the chair out of his way and storming from the room.
By the time security arrived, I had the place back in order and the curtain drawn. They looked inside, but didn’t say much.
“Easy,” Mark quietly drew my attention back to the bed. “Easy, I fucked up…”
“It’ll work out.” I sniffed.
“E– You know Mak… He’s–” Mark huffed, and I heard the emotion when he choked on it. “That boy ain’t right, Easy. It was alright, when I was there to balance him… But this ain’t good. He’s got nothing. His mother’s gone. His wife is gone.”
Mark struggled to keep his composure and Trista moved to stare out the window.