Page 40 of Daddy Dearest
“I’ll see you around, kid,” I winked at him, pulling my sunglasses down as I got in the car.
I enjoyed the look of fear on his face as I sped out of the parking lot.16LeviI waited until I was sure Barbara would be out of the house before I went back there.
I hadn’t wanted to go back – ever. But I owed it to Kendall to at least get some stuff of hers while she was at school, to make sure she had everything she needed.
As soon as I set foot on the lawn, a wave of nostalgia washed over me, even though it had only been half a day since I’d last been there. But the nostalgia was for what could have been with Barbara, an illusion that was too shattered to even imagine it whole anymore.
I walked into the house and right away noticed someone was there. My body went rigid in the anticipation of another fight with Barbara, and I groaned inwardly, cursing myself for walking in at the wrong time.
A figure walked through the hallway, and my eyes widened in shock.
Kendall wore the outfit from this morning, the sweet pink skirt and white sweater I’d ordered for her, and the cute little ballet flats I thought would suit her perfectly.
“Baby girl,” I said with a warning tone in my voice, and she froze on the spot, giving me a guilty little look.
I walked up to her and tipped her chin back, and her eyes locked onto mine, giving me an embarrassed look filled with guilt.
“Aren’t you supposed to be at school, Kendall?” I asked her gently, and her whole body sagged with relief when she heard I wasn’t pissed off with her. “What are you doing home?”
“I’m sorry,” she muttered. “I didn’t feel so well, I just had to go home.”
“It’s okay,” I said.
I had such a fucking soft spot for this girl. She could do anything in the world and I’d find myself forgiving her just because she was so fucking sweet, like a piece of candy I wanted to suck on for the rest of my life.
“Don’t lie to me again, though,” I reminded her. “Daddy doesn’t like it when you lie, baby girl.”
Her body tensed when the words came out of my mouth, and she arched her back, pushing her delicious tits up and into my face. God, I hadn’t realized the bra I’d gotten her was a push-up one. She was fucking perfect for me like that, and I found it impossible to resist her. Her scent alone was making my mouth water, making me want to push her against the wall and ravage her body.
“I won’t,” she said softly.
“Promise?” I asked her, and she nodded, her trusting eyes locked on mine.
“I promise, Daddy,” she said, and I grinned at her.
The desire to fuck her wasn’t subsiding, and the little outfit I’d picked out for her only made things worse. It was early enough in the day I didn’t have to worry about Barbara coming home, and Amanda wouldn’t be back from school for another couple of hours, either.
“I want to fuck you, baby girl,” I told her, and I looked down at her, seeing the hairs on the back of her arms standing up to attention. “I’m going to fuck you right here, in the hallway.”
“Please,” she begged, even though we both knew she wanted it as much as I did.
“Come on,” I urged her. “Take your clothes off for me, Kendall. Let Daddy see that perfect little body of yours.”
She shook her head no, biting her bottom lip.
“You don’t want me to fuck you?” I asked her with raised eyebrows.
She looked up into my eyes fearfully, her gaze desperate and needy.
“I do… Daddy,” she admitted. “But I want you to do it. I want you to strip me down, get me naked. Daddy, please…”
“Of course,” I groaned.
I didn’t need to be told twice. I grabbed her by the hips and turned her around in my arms, her tight little ass rubbing against my hardening dick. I held her arms behind her back with one arm while I stripped her of that sinful little outfit with the other. And as soon as she was naked in front of me, I couldn’t fucking help myself. I’d wanted to take my time, teach her something new, but I wasn’t expecting the wave of crazy lust sweeping through my body like a hurricane.
“Fuck, baby girl,” I muttered, my finger trailing down her spine and over the tiny little freckle on her ass. “You’re so damn perfect for me. Are you going to let Daddy ruin you, Kendall?”
“Yes,” she breathed, still turned away from me, sounding out of breath. “Please Daddy, hurry, hurry the fuck up, please.”
I growled at her, my own breaths matching the need of hers as I bent her over. Her palms went up to the wall and she obeyed so fucking well, better than ever before. She was my perfect submissive little slut and I had every intention of using her any way I possibly could. The added advantage that it was happening in her mother’s house only got me harder. God, I wanted to get back at Barbara. I wanted to finally fuck someone I gave a shit about in that godforsaken house, and little Kendall had never been more willing.