Page 48 of Honey Bee Hearts
I continue through my routine, working through my breathing, and Gunnar follows along. Mr. Frizzle just sits between us, happy to be here. Jethro flips over on his back and wiggles around, as if he’s trying to copy what we’re doing.
“This is boring,” Gunnar comments.
I snort out a laugh. “Well, it’s yoga. It’s meant to be calm.”
“I have a better idea,” he says, leaping to his feet and reaching down to drag me up. Once I’m standing, he picks up Mr. Frizzle.
“I’m not finished,” I complain as he grabs my hand and drags me toward the barn. I perk up, but just when I think he’s going to take me to the locked door, he turns and leads me around to the stables instead.
“We just got these in yesterday. Colt wanted to work his dogs with them, but they’re in my care until they’re big enough.” He pops open a stable door and I blink in surprise as a bunch of tiny little faces bleat at me and come running.
“Oh my god,” I cry. “Look at them!”
At least a dozen baby goats come tumbling out of the stable, making little sounds as they rush around us.
“I’ve seen what you city folk like,” Gunnar grins. “Goat yoga is a thing.”
He gestures to the floor, and I get down in the downward dog position. Immediately, a baby goat jumps up on my back and I start to giggle as his little hooves dance across my back.
“Okay, you were right,” I admit as another goat sniffs at my face. “This is better.”
“See,” he answers, getting into the same position.
The rest of the workout goes like that. The baby goats cluster around us, climb on top of us when they’re able to, nibble at my clothing so I have to swat at them a little with giggles. It’s the most adorable workout session I’ve ever had. I’m trying to stretch my back out when three goats jump up on top at the same time. I collapse, laughing, dragging Gunnar with me as we both fall. We’re laughing so hard, tears spring to my eyes. Gunnar rolls over to me, the little goats dancing away. I look up at him and find he’s smiling gently down at me. My heart skips a beat.
No words are exchanged. Gunnar just leans over and presses a kiss to my lips. It’s a soft one, a peck really, and he pulls away before I can even register it happened. I blink up at him, surprised, but then I lean up and he meets me halfway as we kiss again.
His hand goes to my hip and drags me closer to him, his fingers forming indents in my skin as he holds me tightly. His lips dance with mine, his tongue begging for entrance. When I allow it, he sweeps inside and consumes me completely. His other hand trails up to the base of my skull, his fingers twisting in my hair.
A little goat bleats in my ear, and I jerk back, immediately laughing as I realize we’re still surrounded by the babies.
Gunnar presses his forehead against mine, both of us breathing too fast. “You gonna let me take you on a real date, Florida Girl?” he asks.
I smile. “Is this you asking me officially?”
“Hell yeah, it is,” he laughs. He presses a quick kiss against my lips again.
“Then my answer is yes.”
“That’s my girl,” Jinx says and from the corner of my eyes, I see her fist pump into the air. “You get that cowboy dick!”
I chuckle and press closer to Gunnar as the baby goats dance around us.
Chapter 27
Apparently, we gotta wait to actually go on the date because Gunnar is busy this week with the horses, so when I wake up Monday and find Rhett on my porch, I’m not surprised.
“Is today finally the day?” I ask, grinning.
“It is,” he declares. “Today, you’re gonna meet my bees.”
We don’t take his truck. Instead, he loads me up inside the four-by-four, which feels more like a golf cart than anything else, so it doesn’t trigger any panic attacks. He has the back full of large totes that we’re going to put the frames in, and he’s dressed in his bee outfit. Once we get out to the hives, he hands me my own white beekeeper suit and I happily pull it on. The rubber boots he gives me are too large, but I manage to move around in them decent enough. He also gives me the large hat with mesh around it to cover my face.
“Look at you, cosplaying as a beekeeper,” he says, grinning.
I strike a pose, and he laughs. “Do I look the part?”