Page 78 of Honey Bee Hearts
Trent throws a look over at Rhett that only makes Rhett laugh.
He comes over and takes a knee before me. Trent is so large, that him taking a knee still doesn’t put him at eye level, so I look up at him with wide eyes as he hands me the large package. When I reach out to take it from him, it’s heavy. So heavy, I gasp and quickly set it on the coffee table, sending the rest of the UNO cards scattering away.
I stare at it, wondering what it could be, uncertain how I feel about being so thoroughly spoiled by these men that I’m quickly growing to care for. Men I have to leave in less than a week. Suddenly, the thought of leaving looms over me, causing pain, and I reach up with shaking fingers to touch the wrinkled tape.
“Go on,” Trent encourages. “Open it.” He winces. “Sorry if I didn’t wrap it so good. I’m trash with wrapping paper.”
“No, this is totally okay,” I say. “I’m just. . . this is more than I ever expected.”
“You haven’t even opened the gift yet,” Gunnar points out. “It could be a snake so don’t get ahead of yourself.”
I glance at Trent. “It’s not a snake, is it?”
He smiles and it makes his entire face light up. “Guess you’ll have to open it and see.”
Carefully, I pull back the tape. When I get it all pulled back, I get up on my knees and lean over the box. The flaps pull back easily, as if this box has been used before for something else and is only now truly worn in. A flash of silver catches my eyes, and I gasp.
“You didn’t!” I cry, jerking the box the rest of the way open. “Trent!”
“What is it?” Colt asked, trying to lean over and see. “What did he get you?”
“You made this?” I ask, staring at it. When he nods, I reach into the box and pull out the full scale, Damascus steel sword. It’s heavy in my hands, but not so heavy that I can’t lift it. The hilt is wrapped with soft leather, but that isn’t the most impressive part of it. There are designs etched into the metal there, intricate designs. Little chickens, a bee, what looks like Jethro, Sly, Dolly, all the animals I’ve come to know and love, carved in a medieval style in the metal before the beautiful, oiled sword comes to a point.
“Fuck,” Colt says, staring at the sword. “You didn’t have to go and put us to shame like that, Trent.”
“Seriously,” Rhett grumbles. “No one can top a fucking sword.”
“You said I could make a sword,” Trent murmurs. “So, I made you one.”
“It’s beautiful,” I rasp, gently setting it back in the paper. I have no idea how I’m going to fly back home with that thing, but I’m taking it with me. It’s the most beautiful sword I’ve ever seen. I turn to Trent, my chest tight with excitement and something else, something I can’t look at too closely. I stand so that I’m at least a little taller than Trent before leaning down and wrapping my arms around him. He tenses at first, but then his large arms come around me and he holds me to him. When he lets me go, because I’ve been drinking, I don’t think it through. I just lean down and press my lips to his.
The room falls silent.
I don’t deepen the kiss though. I’m pulling back before I go too deep. Trent looks up at me, his hands still on my hips where I’d pulled back and he’d steadied me. Something flickers in his eyes.
“You don’t have to do that,” he whispers. “You don’t have to.”
“I know,” I reply, cupping his jaw. “I want to.”
He stares up into my eyes, his gaze flickering over my face, tracing every detail. “It’s just a sword.”
I choke on my laughter. “You and I both know it means much more to me than that.”
The other three watch us carefully, not interrupting. Trent continues to stare at me, and I start to squirm, not sure what to say. Just when I think I should back away and give him space, Trent pulls me closer and drapes me over his shoulder. I squeak as he rises to his full height. The doorways suddenly look far too dangerous from up here.
Colt leaps to his feet as Trent heads for the stairs without a word. “Shit! Can I watch?”
“Yes,” Trent answers without hesitation, and Colt immediately moves to follow, his eyes on my face eagerly as I stare at him in surprise. “If Fable says so.”
Colt looks at me expectantly and I hesitantly nod. His answering slow grin has me clenching my thighs as Trent carries me up the stairs.
“Me, too!” Rhett declares, standing.
“No,” Trent replies.
Rhett’s face falls into a pout. “Why the hell not?”
“Colt won’t touch, only watch. You won’t.”