Page 115 of Wildest Dreams
“Don't push me, I am in no mood.”
“You throw your weight around this town thinking you own it... newsflash, you don't. There are bigger and more powerful men in this small town that will rip you and your families legacy to shreds.” Kelcie stands toe to toe with Riggs, but he has nothing on my brother’s height.
Riggs' lips twitch and he shakes his head. “Don't get too comfortable with that badge,Sheriff.It'll soon be back on Tripp's belt and Pacey will be back as a Livestock Agent. The Mayor is on our side, Marty is on our side. You really want to pick your battles today?” Riggs' brows raise and Kelcie just eyeballs him.
“They can try big man, I was sworn in.”
“Don't mean shit,” Riggs chuckles softly and I watch as Kelcie shoves Riggs in the chest, but he doesn't fucking falter. A low rumble of a growl vibrates through Riggs’ chest as he shoots his hand forward, wrapping it around Kelcie's throat as he walkshim towards the wall behind him and pins him there. “Don't. Fucking. Touch. Me.” Riggs spits, jaw wound so fucking tight.
“Sorry, sorry,” Kelcie squirms, his voice tight and constricted by Riggs' large hands. I watch as Riggs squeezes a little tighter, his face going red, and I know he is too far gone.
“Riggs,” I say softly, and I watch as Kelcie's eyes scan to mine and I see the pure fear closing in on them as Riggs strangles the life out of him slowly.
Would I love to see the downfall of Kelcie? Of course.
Do I want another death associated with us? Absolutely not.
“Riggs!” I bark, my voice filling the room and Riggs drops his hand from Kelcie's throat in an instant. We both watch as he falls to the floor, hands around his own neck as he gasps for breath.
“Do we have an understanding,Sheriff?” Riggs stands over him, heavy boot resting on his back as he presses him to the floor.
“Yes,” he whispers, and I smirk.
“Good,” he spits on him, and I roll my eyes. He always has to take it one step too far.
He keeps Kelcie pinned to the floor under his boot as he nods for me to walk through the cells and find Austin.
I probably shouldn't leave Riggs and Kelcie alone, but Austin is more important.
I discard the crutches and hobble through, hissing when I look at my palms and see the blisters forming and my heart drops when I see him. Sitting curled up in the corner of the cell.
“Aust?” my voice is soft, and I wait with bated breath as he slowly lifts his head to look at me, eyes hollow, soul empty, heart completely obliterated.
“Tripp,” he chokes as he pushes to his feet, fingers wrapped around the bars.
“I'm so sorry it's taken me so long.”
“Don't be, you've had a lot going on.” A hint of a smile ghosts his face, but it soon disappears.
“How's it going?” and I wince as soon as I ask it knowing full well he is living through hell.
“Not much to report, dad and mom are working with the lawyer, he thinks he can get me out on bail,” he puffs his cheeks out as his eyes cast down.
“That's good news bud,” I try and keep my voice upbeat but he just shakes his head, defeat blanketing him in an instant.
“What's the point?” and when his eyes find mine, they're full of tears. “Harlow is dead, the woman I was planning to spend the rest of my life with...” he sniffles for a moment. “Had a ring for her and everything,” he just about manages through the tremble in his voice. “Put it in her casket, and when I meet her on the other side, she'll have it with her and we will be together for eternity. Nothing will tear us apart.”
The edges of my heart crumble.
“Everything good has left man, what do I honestly have to lose? They think I killed Clay. I can't keep wasting my breath on trying to make them believe me. I am tired Tripp, so fucking tired.”
My best friend bows his head in defeat, and I know there is nothing I can say or do to make him feel better about any of this.
“You let us worry about getting you out, just keep your head down and do as they say, okay? Your hearing is in two days, a lot can happen in two days.”
He doesn't look at me, he doesn't even acknowledge what I said.
“Hold on a little longer bud, we will make this right.”