Page 124 of Wildest Dreams
Looking over my shoulder, Sunny peeks through the spy hole then pulls the chain across.
“I have a parcel for Dixie Walker,” the sound of a low voice makes my skin prick.
“Sure,” Sunny says as she takes the large gift box from him. Who delivers this late in the evening?
“Can you sign here please?” and I zone out for a moment, eyes glued to the light pink gift box. That always was my favorite colour. A light dusty pink.
The sound of the front door closing snaps me back into reality.
“You have a parcel,” Sunny's voice is tight as she picks up the box that looks huge against her petite frame.
Pushing from the sofa, I grab it from her and she gives me a thankful smile.
“Late isn't it?”
She half shrugs.
“I've had later,” she takes her seat back on the coffee table as I place the gift box on the sofa.
Pinching the note that is attached to the box, I turn it over and my heart stutters in my chest.
- Never stop dreaming, ever x
My brows furrow, as I untie the white ribbon and lift the lid slowly and I freeze.
“What is it?” Sunny asks, standing behind me, eyes looking over my shoulder.
There, laying on soft satin as my old guitar, a light dusty pink bow wrapped around the neck. Cracks are evident but they're smudged, giving it a marble effect in the wood, the odd veins crossing. Tears stream down my face when I notice the little pink dreamcatcher that is painted on the lower bout, then underneath, as if etched into a tree ‘TR <3 DW’.
Memories flood me of the old blossom tree down where we used to swim in the creek, and drink moonshine, marked with our initials and we vowed that we would get married under thattree one day, but here we are, ten years later, and I have never felt further away from that memory than I do now.
“Is this yours?” Sunny asks and I nod silently, slowly reaching down and wrapping my trembling fingers around the neck of the guitar and lift it gently.
“My mom got me this guitar for my birthday; my dad destroyed it years ago and I feared I had lost it but...” I am lost for words as I turn to look at Sunny. “Tripp must've fixed it up,” my head falls forward as tears fall onto my guitar, my thumb brushing across the delicate string. “He pieced it back together again, just like he did my heart. Bit by bit...” I choke and Sunny wraps her arm around my shoulder, pulling me into her.
“It's not too late to make this right Dixie, they're all at The Boot. I'll stay with Lainey.”
Stepping away, my eyes bounce between hers.
“Go,” she ushers softly as she takes my guitar from my loose hold. My eyes sting from the tears that fill them, my heart thrashing in my chest. “Go get your man,” she smiles, and I nod, wiping away my tears and stepping towards the door.
I turn to face her, a little hesitant.
“You deserve a happy ever after Dix,” she tilts her head to the side, and I smile at her.
Looking in the mirror, I swipe my ring finger under my eyes and rid my face of any smudged mascara. My long brown hair is in a loose messy braid, hanging over one shoulder, baggy oversized tee and mom jeans that are a little too ripped at the knees and banged out sneakers, but I don't care. Tripp loves me and I love him. In every single form.
Opening the door, I rush onto the street and grab my phone from my pocket, scrolling till I see Hudson's name.
He answers on the first ring.
“Can you take me to The Boot?” I am breathless as I stand on the sidewalk of the quiet town, the warm summer breeze dancing across my skin.
“I'll be there in five,” and he hangs up.
I wanted to surprise Tripp.