Page 63 of Wildest Dreams
She looks beautiful.
She dips her head as she slips past me and the urge to reach out and grab her just so I can hold her close is overwhelming. But I don't. I watch as she walks over to Lainey and scoops her out of my mom's arms. Lainey reaches up and places her chubby little hands over Dixie's lips just as Dixie kisses her.
“Ah man, I want one,” Riggs groans and Aspen leans into him.
“Soon big fella, soon,” she turns her face up to look at him just as he leans down and places the softest of kisses on her lips.
My eyes scope over to Dixie, and she is staring at me, all starry eyed and shit and I am desperate to take her out on a date; dancing in the parking lot under the stars and a late-night swim in the creek. Just like old times. Just like before.
The front door closes, and we all turn to see Austin, Harlow and my dad.
“Austin,” my mom breathes, walking over to him a little quicker before wrapping him in her embrace, Harlow still firmly holding onto his hand, fear burning through her eyes that if she lets him go, he will bolt like a wild mustang.
“Hey Orla,” he smiles, eyes closing for just a moment.
His dirty blonde hair is cut, tidy. He wears a matching black suit, same as me and my brothers but he doesn't have a cowboy hat.
When his eyes open, they scan over the three of us and we see the way his shoulders relax a little.
Mom steps back and only then do me and my brothers, one by one, pull him into an embrace. Just a little reminder that we will always have his back, that we will always be here for him, we willalwayschoose him.
God didn't make him our blood relation, but he did make us family.
“Right, are we ready?” my dad asks, eyes moving between us all.
“Ready as we will ever be,” I chime as I go to open the front door, the girls walking out first, Harlow still gripping onto Austin.
“I'll take the girls and Austin in the truck, you three ride the horses down.” We nod.
My mom follows us onto the porch, leaning in and giving each one of us a kiss on the cheek.
“Be safe, I love you,” she tells each of us as we pass her and walk down to where the horses are tied up.
Steps faltering, I turn to look back towards the house and I can see the worry etched onto my mom's face and I hate that she feels like that.
Dixie kisses Lainey on the top of the head, lingering for just a moment more before passing her to my mom. I watch as she lets out a deep exhale, taking the steps slowly as she walks across the dusty floor. I wait for her and give her a look.
“You feeling okay?” I ask softly as I walk her to the truck.
She nods. But I am not convinced.
“We won't leave your side, you've got all of us. This is how we work,” I smile at her just as my dad places his hand on the small of her back. “I'll see you at the church,” and she gives me a ghost of a smile before getting into the truck.
“I'll keep them safe,” my dad says before opening his own door.
“I know,” I tip my hat towards him, “I'll see you soon.”
My heart jack hammers in my chest as I walk towards my brothers already on their horses. Footing the stirrup, I pull myself up onto Bucky's back, Riggs on Travis and Pacey on Chase.
“Ready?” Riggs asks, Travis stepping forward, tail high.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” I swallow down the nerves.
“Then lets fucking go,” he kicks his horse on and me and Pacey follow across the fields and towards the church.
And for some reason, I feel like we're heading to our own funeral.