Page 57 of Paddy
“But youdidn't. Pretty, I’ll always take care of you. Be sure to remember that.”
Paddy was right in that regard. I could always count on him. So far, he'd been the only real man that I could depend on. Life was cruel in that way. It sent you the best and brightest when you were stuck in an undesirable situation.
I probably won’t ever meet another man like Paddy, but I can say for sure, if I had known someone like him existed, I would have kept my options open before shackling myself to marriage.
The closer we reached Vermont, suddenly it didn’t feel so silly packing for winter like Paddy had suggested. It was already snowing up here, even though we still technically had a month left a fall.
It might as well have been winter by the way it was coming down. “Thank you, by the way.”
“For what?” Paddy eyed me curiously.
“For showing up for me. I'm ashamed to admit, before you I didn't know what that looked like. I just wish I could have shared with you my surprise.”
“That's okay. Sing it to me when we get to the lodging.” He winked, as my curiosity got the best of me.
“Why Vermont?” It just seemed like such a random place. Did they even have Irish people up here?
“Pretty, in my line of work, sometimes you just need a place to lay low for a while. Vermont's got nothing going on most of the time. Even the place we're going, there's no phone, so we'll have to check in with the local ranger station, just in case Vernon needs to contact us.”
“Do all of your brothers have places like this? Or just you?”
“I'm sure all my brothers have a form of a safe house, yes. I just travel more, so my none of mine are in Massachusetts.”
Interesting. I'd never known a single man to own property on his own. Usually men did that when they got married. “How many do you own?”
“Well, I’ve got a place in Wyoming, but it's a bitch there in the winter. I used to own one in LA, but I don't have good memories there, so I sold that and got one in Minnesota. So, three. Not all of them are cozy, like this one. So, I'm glad that this one's closer.I don't really fancy what brought us here, but I look forward to having you all to myself for a few days.”
“That's probably theonlything I'm looking forward to,” I agreed, reaching in and peppering kisses on his face.
“Don't start nothing you can't finish,” Paddy taunted.
“Who says I can't finish?” I flirted, reaching in as I started unbuckling his pants.
“Never a dull moment with you,” he bit his lip, as he readjusted, trying to make room for me. “I'll just drive slow.”
“I bet you will,” I teased.
When we reached the lodge, it was a relief that the electricity worked. When we’d checked in at the ranger station, even their power was going in and out.
“It'd probably be a good idea to put this food up,” as I wrestled with some bags and Paddy brought our suitcases inside.
Paddy edged toward me, taking my hips in his hands as he leaned in and started kissing me. “I'm gonna kiss you in every room. I'm gonna fuck you in every room. I might even have you walk around naked just for me.
“Mmm…” I moaned through the kiss. “That sounds nice. We could be as loud as we fucking want.”
“Even better,” he said with a cock an eyebrow.
“But we still have to put this food up,” I interrupted, as we properly tended to the task, managing to fit in a tabletop quickie once we were done. It finally sunk in that there was a slight draft as we were readjusting our clothes. Maybe Paddy could handle it, but eventually I wouldn't be able to.
“I’ll make us a fire. Around these parts, ain't much to do but make a fire. Cook. And when you're in good company, fuck.”
“I can justimaginethe women you bring here,” I teased.
“Honestly, I normally don't bring a lady in my personal space. It's my space, and I don't want it ruined with a bad memory or something tainted.”
“Should I be flattered?” Me being the first person he brought here? I mean, it was an extreme case to why he’d brought me, but that didn’t mean I should overthink it.