Page 62 of My Turn
I didn’t have the patience for it, so I grabbed his hanging shaft and yanked on it hard enough to rip the other half free. That woke him up. His breaths were shallow and rapid, his eyes wide, and I wondered if the pain was great enough that he couldn’t scream anymore. Maybe he was in shock or something. I didn’t dare look these things up, considering what I was doing in my basement right now.
The balls didn’t really matter and I was tired of touching his junk, so I tossed the dick stub at him. It hit him in the eye and he let out a little cry. It fell into his lap, which would become its final resting place.
Gripping the handle of the knife tighter, I drove it into his trachea. When I pulled it free, blood gushed out. It covered his chest like an apron and his eyes rolled back.
This was the bloodiest, most gruesome thing I’d ever done. And I’d done it because he made Alana cry. Fuck, being without her was just driving me more insane by the day. I wanted her, I needed her.
Three more days, then it would be Saturday. I’d promised her a week. How would I get her to trust me if I didn’t abide by my word?
Chapter 24
I meant to go inside earlier, but I was stuck just staring up at her window. From across the lot, she probably hadn’t spotted me. If she had, she didn’t make it known. For so long, this was all I did. I’d watch from outside when she was awake and come inside when she slept. There was comfort in it, a familiarity that ran deep.
With how content I was, I almost chose not to go up there but suddenly, she was at the living room window. The curtains parted and she peered out, looking left and right. After a minute, she disappeared.
Was she looking for me? If she was expecting me to follow through, I was surprised she’d stayed put, regardless of my threats. I was almost offended she didn’t think I- the real me- could defend myself against some dude in a mask. I’d kick my own ass without a problem.
Since I was curious, I stayed outside. The light in the living room eventually turned off. It was already close to midnight, which seemed pretty late for her to start getting ready to relax in her room. A shadow moved in her bedroom window, then she was looking outside again.
Well, I’ll be damned. I was sure it had to do with fear of my return, but she didn’t look all that scared. She crossed her arms over her chest as she continued to scan the lot. When she disappeared, I got to my feet.
My phone buzzed, surprising me.
Alana:If I go to sleep, can I trust that nobody will wake me up?
I couldn’t contain the grin that rose on my face. Keeping the phone in my hand, I crossed over to her building and quietly climbed the stairs, only to receive another text.
Alana:I’ll take that as a yes. Thanks for the prompt response, asshole.
God, she was starved for attention. She wouldn’t accept what she needed from the real me and it seemed that it was bleeding over into her relationship with this version, even if she didn’t recognize that yet. She was clinging to the pain I caused her, but it was clouded by other things.
Orgasms could be forced, sure, but she’d been shocked by what she felt and I was sure it stuck with her. I kept coming back, showing her that I was committed to whatever this was. I claimed her in a fucked up and downright possessive way, but something about that made her feel confused. She thought she wasn’t telling me more about the stalker because she wanted to protect me, but I was the one she called when he first showed up. Why did that change?
Cue Finding Nemo sharks: Denial.
She wanted someone to make her feel better after my brother wrecked her confidence. Because she’d been with him for so long, she didn’t let herself address her needs that hadn’t been fulfilled. She became happy with being comfortable. If she’d dosome introspection, she’d recognize that she needed far more than that. She always had.
I leaned against the outside of her apartment with my thumbs hovering over the screen.
Erebus:You could always pretend to be asleep. That way everybody wins.
Alana:Oh yeah. You enjoy ripping me from my dreams and plunging me straight into your nightmare.
Erebus:I’m busy tonight. Sorry to disappoint.
The dots came and went multiple times. I pulled up my app to see what was going on from her end.
Good. Fuck you.Erase.
Cool. Back to blocked.Erase.
What the fuck are you hiding behind your mask?Erase.
I got a knife and I’m gonna stab you.Erase.
In the end, she exited out of the message without sending anything. She navigated to her music app and started it. I waited a few minutes before I unlocked the door. The sound of the shower greeted me, the perfect cover for my entrance.