Page 2 of Wrath’s Nightingale
Mom stands up and turns around, looking up at Gambit. “You make sure that son of a bitch never draws another breath.”
Every man in the room smiles.
Chapter 1
Doc said I can ride in the poker run today. I’m tempted to skip it and head straight to the park where the ladies and prospects are setting up a picnic lunch for all the riders. Their families can join in the fun earlier if they want.
We have a mini carnival set up this year. Volunteers from our businesses are running the games and food stands. Stormy and the ladies took charge of the food, carnival, and entertainment. Buy-in is a hundred dollars this year. Winner gets half the pot; the other half goes to Gaia’s Hope and Artemis Outreach. Gaia’s Hope is a home for mother’s that are living in dangerous situations or out on the streets. Artemis Outreach is the new clinic the club is opening in a few weeks. Their portion of today's proceeds will go to treat people in the community who are uninsured or underinsured.
The club has been putting money back each month to cover the costs of the run, so more money goes to charity.
Someone pounds on my front door. I open it to see my brothers and my sister Willow. She’s riding with me today to make sure I don’t overdo it. If I get tired or dizzy, she can call in backup.
It’s only been a month since I got shot in the gut. Doc and Nay say I’m recovering well. It’s why I’m riding today.
“Are you ready to ride?” Willow asks.
“I am. Brick’s letting me borrow his trike for the day.”
“You really want to finish this run, don’t you?”
“Finish, hell, I want to win.”
“What would you do with all that money?” Saber asks.
“Guess you’ll find out when I win.”
“Says you. I’m winning,” Decker says.”
“Not if I win, first,” Saber adds.
“Don’t you all know it’s ladies first? That pot is mine,” Willow exclaims.
I chuckle. “Come on, jokers, before we’re late. I want to get a good card.”
We head out to the parking lot. Brick is there to meet us. He hands me the keys to his bright yellow trike. Red picked out the color. She said she wants to spot the bike in a crowd when she’s drunk. Mission accomplished. The brilliant color sticks out in a sea of sleds.
“She’s so pretty,” Willow squeals.
I shake my head. Willow’s already decided the sled is a girl and will no doubt come up with a name for it by day's end. After she’s finished squealing, we get settled onto the trike and head to our first destination.
Twenty minutes later, we arrive. There’s a line of volunteers handing out cards. My first card is the jack of hearts. After the third stop, I’m ready to pull over and take a break. We stop and get something to drink, along with some breakfast tacos.
“Are you feeling better?” Willow asks.
“Yes. I feel better now that I’ve had some food. We have two more stops before we head to the park.”
“It’s going to be an EPIC party. Stormy got Gerald McBong Bong to play.”
“Who the hell is Gerald McBong Bong?”
“This amazing rock band. They hit the scene about six months ago. I can’t believe she was able to get them.”
“Queenie works wonders.”
“True dat,” Willow says, laughing.