Page 102 of The Brigadier
Vadim appeared anxious, unhappy as hell. I rarely pissed off the man but perhaps the idea was too far-fetched.
“Look, I know it’s out there, but this is very important. To me. To my boy. You get it.”
“I need to tell you something else and it might interfere with your desire to do this.” When Vadim concentrated his gaze on me, his eyes darkened.
“Okay. I doubt anything will but fine. What?”
Now he glanced at Aleks, which meant the Councilor knew whatever tidbit of information Vadim was having difficulty saying.
“I know you spent time, effort, and money searching for Ginger Lee,” he stated, but the sound of his voice was entirely off.
“Yeah. Why?”
“Because I have associates stationed all throughout the world working in various capacities. One of them owed me a favor. She was found in Bulgaria.”
I wasn’t certain I gave a damn. “So what? She’s dead to me.”
Vadim huffed. “That’s the point. She was murdered.”
Processing what he’d just said was tough. “What?”
“Execution style. This was no random hit.”
“Which could mean she’s more a part of this than we realize,” Aleks said, also keeping his tone soft. I hadn’t been love-struck by the girl.
But he was right.
“No idea who? No claims?” I finally asked.
“No. Forced entry and no one heard anything. She put up a fight but lost.”
“Well, now I know. And no, it does not alter my desire to do this. If she was a part of whatever the fuck is going on, then the mastermind is becoming unraveled. What I propose should throw him over the top.”
Vadim and Aleks looked at each other. Soul searching. This would take more than just coordination. It would take trust, loyalty, and belief our worlds wouldn’t be crushed. A tall order.
Vadim took a deep breath, waiting a few seconds before expelling it. “It’s risky and weird enough to work but I advise you to keep a very short leash on Tanner. He could be fully turned.”
“Agreed but I could tell in his eyes he was terrified and completely filled with remorse. I trust in my gut. I have to.” I meant what I said.
Vadim nodded several times. “Then we go for it. But God help us if we’re wrong.”
“If we are, we keep fighting. We have far too much to lose.”
I meant what I said. I refused to lose something that I hadn’t known I needed.
A family.
It had been the reason for dozens of wars over the years.
I had to keep my cool. That’s what I’d told myself more than once. If Tanner didn’t provide a key to what was going on, then I had a bad feeling we were going to be in more than dire straits. I also had a bad feeling about the incoming shipment, suggesting Aleksander really keep a close eye on our seller and see if the man had been contacted by anyone else… foreign. Time would tell.