Page 66 of The Brigadier
“Yeah, the chick with wild hair.”
I chuckled. “The very one. I’m coming into town tomorrow for an important meeting held at one. I need you to pick her up by then. Take her to a safe place around two-thirty. Just text me where. I need to talk with her.”
“What if she doesn’t want to come?” Tanner asked.
“Then help her understand it’s not a request.”
It was his turn to laugh. “I have no issue doing so.”
“Somehow, I didn’t think you would. Let me know if you have any issues.”
“Will do, boss.”
Now I was finished with the damn phone calls for the night. I’d done all I could at this point, including riling my brother. However, if he had something more nefarious going on, someone would rear their ugly head. That could prove helpful.
Or more dangerous than ever.
The chill in the air was refreshing, the setting sun even more beautiful than Brighton Beach.
I wasn’t certain why, but I felt more peaceful here. The afternoon had gone quickly, Damien still happy as a lark. Thankfully, he’d fallen asleep in the blink of an eye, not fighting me on anything. He’d eaten like a horse, which was also a good sign.
I’d scoped out the supplies, even noticing a freezer in the garage. There was enough food to feed an army for a long time.
The wine selection was just as incredible, the liquor cabinet stocked. I could make almost anything for dinner, although I wasn’t entirely certain what that should be.
As soon as I yanked the blanket more tightly around me, Nikolay walked out onto the porch. Or I should say he stormed out, heading directly to the railing. I’d seen him in the kitchen, very animated on the phone. He’d seemed perturbed, which likelymeant additional issues. Whether or not he would tell me what they were remained to be seen.
He stood staring out at the ocean, the quiet aura surrounding him discouraging.
And in truth, a little frightening.
“Your father is frustrating as fuck,” he finally said.
I was surprised and amused. “He’s your brother.”
“We’re entirely different. Yes, a slightly different mixture of DNA but he’s not astute.”
“In business or in life?”
Chuckling, he tipped his head over his shoulder. “A little of both. He got himself into a bit of hot water. Not that he’ll admit that of course.”
“I figured as much.”
Now he turned around. “Why?”
I shrugged, taking another sip of my wine. “You might not have paid attention, but my father was all glow and show at the dinner he required me to be at. I met some people he was going to have business with and they certainly seemed to know me. A little too well.”
“I didn’t see anyone there I recognized.”
“Maybe you wouldn’t. I gathered from my father’s disappointment I overheard him share with my mother later that the bigwigs hadn’t bothered to attend. Evidently the seconds in command or even lower had been sent. As a gesture of good faith. Whatever the hell that means.”
“There was an Italian but the other three seemed entirely American men, from what I could tell,” he said, far too contemplative. He’d been introduced to everyone and hadn’t seemed bothered at dinner by who they were. Granted, the names of the firms they worked for had seemed oddly bland. Likely fake. Or maybe Nikolay was used to dealing with thugs from all over the world. I knew that wasn’t fair given my mysterious lover wasn’t like my father, but the two worlds could collide.
Maybe I had no clue what I was talking about.