Page 73 of The Brigadier
He didn’t notice me at first, happily rolling in bed as he played on his Amazon Fire Kid’s Tablet, something he’d barely played with up until now.
So many changes.
So much time lost.
As soon as I walked in, I noticed he’d changed into his PJs. “You ready for bed, little man?” I sat on the bed, gently removing thetablet from his hand as I sat down on the edge. “I’ll put it right here but no surfing overnight.”
He giggled. “No, Daddy.”
“Do you want a story?”
“I’m tired.”
“The day wore you out. Well, good.” I tickled him once again, enjoying the alone time. As I leaned over, kissing his forehead, I told him, “Sleep tight.” When I leaned back, seeing his scrunched-up face meant he had a serious question.
“Yes.” I adjusted the sheet and comforter, tucking him in just the way he liked.
“Is Chantel my new mommy?”
There were few times it ever felt as if my heart had stopped altogether. Right now was one of them. I hadn’t anticipated a question like that for months if ever. He’d been so angry, blaming me for his mother leaving him. I honestly couldn’t remember the last time he’d even mentioned her without immediately throwing a tantrum.
“Little man. No one will ever replace your mother. She adores you.” I wiggled his nose on purpose. “She had some business but I’m certain one day you’ll spend more time with her. Chantel is special to both of us but she’s not here as a replacement. Do you understand?”
He nodded several times, but damn if the kid wasn’t searching my eyes better than most. I also sensed that Chantel was right in that he’d seen or overheard something. I so wanted to pry it outof him, but that would be the worst thing in the world to do. “You like her. Chantie.”
“I do.”
“So do I.” The little grin was almost enough to break my heart all over again.
“I’m glad. Time for you to get some rest.”
“Mommy’s boyfwiend didn’t like you.”
First of all, how would he know who I was? Damien had acted like he’d never seen me before when he had been dropped off.
An instant cold chill washed over me. “What boyfriend, little man?” I certainly had never expected he’d say anything about some boyfriend. Plus, why would Ginger’s boyfriend dislike me? Why was I mentioned at all?
“Dunno. Big man. Didn’t come much. Scary.”
I had to gulp, calming my anger. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?” I could tell I’d gone too far. His eyes were huge. Damn it.
Damien shook his head but I’d struck a chord.
“Ah, well, don’t worry about it. A lot of people don’t like your magical daddy and that is scary.” I tweaked his nose again, storing the new information in the back of my mind.
He giggled before yawning again. “Daddy. You aren’t magical. Not really.”
“You might be surprised.” I brushed hair from his face, debating asking him anything else. He was in such a good place, the last thing I wanted to do was to traumatize him. “Baby. You know you can tell me anything. Right?”
His nod was vigorous.
“No matter what. If something happened. We all get scared from time to time.”
“Not scared.”
Chantel had been right. Something had already traumatized him prior to Ginger’s sudden disappearance. The look in his eyes told volumes but I knew better than to push him. “Well, good. Just remember. Monsters aren’t real. And I am your protector always.”