Page 87 of The Brigadier
Vadim sighed and we both walked toward Tanner, the Pakhan muttering something in Russian that was too muffled for me to hear, but it wasn’t nice. When the Pakhan spit on the man, Tanner just snarled.
I studied his shoulder wound before looking him in the eyes. There was only one thing to say to the man that mattered at this point, although that would change as I attempted to extract information. “Predatel.”
“Odin mudryy chelovek odnazhdy posovetoval mne nikogda ne klast’ yaytsa v odnu korzinu,” he hissed in return.
A wise man once told me never to put my eggs in one basket.
I had to admit I was momentarily shocked. The guy was American through and through. Apple pie and hot dogs,protecting his country. Where in the fuck had he learned Russian?
Vadim and I glanced at one another, locking eyes. We were both thinking the same thing.
Maxim couldn’t resist, shoving two fingers into the fresh wound. Instantly, Tanner threw his head back, grunting like a wild animal.
Tanner understanding Russian meant both that anything he’d overheard in my native language he’d understood and that it was possible his background hadn’t been adequately searched. I shook my head, waving my hand at Maxim while Tanner did his best not to scream. “Enough.” I walked closer, studying Tanner. “One question. How do you know Russian?”
All the man did was grin like some idiot. Like at some point, I wasn’t going to wipe it and just about everything else off his face. Sighing, I rubbed my eyes.
“I had Aleksander track down Sonya’s address. I have a feeling we know what happened to her,” Vadim said quietly.
All I did was nod at this point. Yes, locating her whereabouts was necessary but I had a feeling she wasn’t a player in this shit but a pawn.
Which would mean she’d been killed.
So much had possibly been compromised of our organization, our business dealings. And where we were keeping those people we cared about. The possible ramifications were huge in my mind. I was certain Vadim had already thought of it too. What the fuck had been wrong with me?
“What do you want done with him?” Danny asked before punching the guy in the ribs, doubling the man over. I heard a crack, likely a rib snapping in two, which I didn’t necessarily mind.
“I want him locked down for a few days. Water only. Tend to the wound. Make certain the bullet is out. We can’t have him developing sepsis before I’ve had a chance to talk with him.”
“You got it, boss,” Danny said more out of respect, but it was easy to see he didn’t like my determination of what to do. Other things were more important than spending quality time with the traitor, including moving Chantel to a safer location. Goddamn this shit.
I walked away before I did something really violent to the asshole.
The pain didn’t stop Tanner. He was still out for blood. “You won’t win.”
Yep. The man could get under my skin. Which prompted me to take several long strides forward, snapping my hand around the jerk’s throat. “You will pay for this.”
Tanner had the nerve and the ability to laugh given the thick cords in his neck. “So be it. I did what I needed to do.”
“Yeah? And I’m going to do what I need to do. You will not enjoy being on the other side of my personality.”
“I assure you I’ll enjoy seeing what you’re made of. In my mind, you’re a fucking weak link.”
Maybe I should be grateful he’d spoken in English so as to keep the sickening feeling from pooling in my stomach.
“Maybe I’m not anyone’s superhero, but I’ll have some fun taking you apart bit by bit if I need to,” I told him.
It took a few seconds before I felt like releasing my savage hold. By then, he was coughing, his face blood red. Blood. The freak better get used to it.
I needed to get the hell out of here.
I headed for the main door, given the clear by the driver, who currently held a shotgun in his hand. To each their own.
Once outside, I raked one hand through my hair as I took a deep breath. From somewhere, I could still gather a whiff of Italian food, honestly one of my favorites. Even murder didn’t cease all aspects of keeping a business afloat. Vadim flanked my side, both of us staring at the various buildings. Sure, we were out in the open but by now, any assassins would have struck.
Vadim shook his head. “You’re a hard man.”