Page 14 of The Cursed Queen
"Probably a good idea," Virgil agreed.
Virgil and I wasted no more time running to the dragon stables. Halfway there, we spotted a guard standing in front of the entrance. I scampered to hide behind a rose bush while Virgil went to talk to him. I couldn't hear what was being said, and I was worried Virgil wouldn't be successful in what I hoped was getting the guard out of the way. It seemed as if it wasn't going anywhere, but then the guard laughed at something Virgil said before patting his shoulder and walking off.
I exhaled in relief, waited until Virgil motioned for me to come out, then got up and ran over to him.
"What do you say to him?" I asked as he undid the locks on the gate.
"I asked if I could take over his guard duty. That way, I could have alone time to assess the dragons and find out which one's the strongest, and claim it before anyone else," he explained. "Barrow was amused by how sneaky I was and said he wished he thought of it, the bloody bastard."
My sentiments exactly, but Barrow wasn't my concern right now. Virgil undid the lock, opening the gates and we stormed inside. We stopped in front of Andriel's cage. My fated mate, in dragon form, was curled up with his eyes closed. When he heard us approaching, his reptilian eyes shot open. He noticed me and brought his head up and forward, close to the bars, but cautious not to touch it. Maybe it had to do with the wards.
"Disarm the wards," I commanded Virgil.
Virgil worked his hands and fingers, the tendrils of magic wisping about. Soon the runes on the gates faded, along with the binding enchantment along Andriel's body.
I reached through the bars and patted Andriel's snout. "Andriel, we need to talk."
I waited for Andriel to say something, but all I got was silence.
Andriel tilted his head to the side, his eyes moving, and I could tell his focus was on me, but I couldn't hear what he was saying.
"Sera?" Virgil questioned.
I shook my head, trying to send him a telepathic message instead.
Icy dread fell over my body. "I can't hear him."
"I... I can't hear him. I can't hear Andriel's thoughts anymore."
I couldn't find the mental link between me and my mate. Her thoughts were absent, and judging from her expression and the smell of horror wafting off her, she couldn't hear mine. Something had weakened our connection, but it couldn't have been from me. The druid knights only drugged me when I was out of the cage. Otherwise, the enchantments binding me to my dragon form shouldn't have influenced my mental link with the princess. Not when it had no effect last time.
Something must've happened to her since we last spoke this morning.
Virgil undid the bindings on my body, allowing my dragon flames to engulf me and shift me back to my human skin. When the locks on the cage were undone, and Virgil opened the door, I rushed to my mate, enveloping her in my arms.
"I'm sorry, Andriel. I couldn't hear your thoughts." Sera sounded frantic.
"I can't hear yours either. Has something happened to you since this morning?" I asked, holding her at arm's length to assess her. She seemed paler than before. Her stance was unsteady, and the dark circles under her eyes were more prominent. She looked as if her very life essence was being stripped from her.
"None that I can think of," she said, panic visible in her expression.
"What all has happened since you returned to the castle?"
"Um," The princess calmed herself and recited the events of the day. "I went to see my mother, and she told me she was moving the dragon crowning ceremony to my birthday in two weeks. That's what we need to talk to you about."
I nodded in understanding. "We'll get to that, but right now, I'm concerned for you. What happened next?"
"Well, I was upset, so I went to my bedchambers, and—" The princess froze. "My magic. It reacted."
Virgil's brow furrowed. "Reacted?"