Page 14 of Retribution
“Want to know what it means?”
“No.” I open my eyes and meet his gaze. “I like a bit of mystery. Besides, it clearly means I need to be someone you trust.”
Opening the door, Lorcan’s smile fades. “Front door.”
“Twenty minutes. I got it.”
He motions along the hall, shutting the door behind him. “Down there, to the left. That’ll be your rooms.”
“As many as you want. It’s a big house. We’ve got staff but hardly any live-ins.”
“Were there staff here the day your father died?”
“Place was empty save for him.”
“Very.” Lorcan gives me a curt nod and crosses the corridor to another door. “My bedroom—if you ever need to find it.”
A smile spreads across my face. “If, huh?”
Amusement lights his hazel eyes. “Stranger things have happened.”
“I’ve got bigger fish to fry,” I say.
He chuckles and punches in his code without looking at me. “Oh, I doubt that fish is bigger.” He winks at me before disappearing into his bedroom.
As soon as the door clicks tight, I ignore the tingling in my stomach and start wandering down the corridor trying each handle. After a few linen and broom closets, I realize he’s only told me I can look around because anything worth seeing is under lock, key, and security code.
“Lost?” Finn calls from the end of the hall.
I frown, annoyance sparking in me. “You’re allowed on this side of the house?”
He pushes his hands into the pockets of his light jeans and strolls toward me. When he gets closer, he gestures wide, his T-shirt stretching across his broad torso. “No booby traps or explosions. I guess I’m allowed.” He stops in front of me. “Terrible manners my brother has. He should have at least shown you to your rooms.”
I narrow my eyes at Finn. “I’m quite capable of finding them myself.”
One side of his mouth quirks up, the opposite side to his brother. There’s no dimple, and his icy blue eyes are piercing in comparison to Lorcan’s warm hazel ones. “My brother is far too trusting.”
The codes and locks on the doors say otherwise, but I stare at Finn, willing him to continue. He rubs the back of his head.
“I’ll walk you to your rooms.”
“No need,” I say. “I have to meet Lorcan at the front soon, anyway.”
“I’ll walk you there.” He strolls beside me in silence for a moment. “Your weapons are at the front.”
Not all of them. I have one in the heel of my shoe. “Thanks.”
“Not much of a talker, are you?”
“Should I be?”
“Most women are.”
I cock my head.