Page 16 of Retribution
Chapter Seven
The casino isn’t much from the outside. It’s a few sections of a strip mall with blacked-out windows, and in a part of Boston, were I anyone else, I’d never frequent. Once we go through the sliding doors, it becomes clear the business is nothing special on the inside either. Everything is faded and looks as though it came straight out of the seventies. Slot machines line every square inch of the place, and the stench of stale smoke envelops me.
“You own this?” My tone is far from impressed.
Lorcan gives me a sideways glance as he strides toward the back of the building. “It’s not what it seems.”
One of the security guards is in front of us, the other behind.
“Are you going to tell me more than that?”
“Not right now.”
“Is earned. You earned it from Carys, but you gotta earn it from me.” He points his index finger, and his expression is full of determination.
His accent shifted to more Bostonian than Irish as soon as we entered the casino. The way he slips from one persona to another fascinates me. If he’s aware he’s doing it, he’d be an excellent agent. Lorcan’s ability to blend into his environment or to stand out, depending on the goal, is impressive. Even some agents I work with aren’t skilled chameleons.
“Watch and learn.” Lorcan heads to the keypad beside a door at the back. Maybe an office? “Carys won’t have handled business like we do.” Over his shoulder, his gaze connects with mine before sliding away. “You gotta be okay with getting blood on your hands.”
I push my hands deeper into the pockets of my jacket. Off in a corner, an elderly woman is chain-smoking and pressing the button on the slot machine, shoulders hunched. These places often have regulars, but there’s something sad about knowing she’s gambling away her savings. Slot machines are bad odds. “It wouldn’t be the first time.”
As soon as he enters the small room, the buzz quiets. The walls are bare, but there are tables packed tight in the space. The stale smoke smell is mostly absent in here, but there’s a weird combination of too many perfumes. Women are everywhere counting money and packing drugs. For a moment, everyone freezes, then the buzz picks up again. A short, burly guy pops out of the crowd and comes forward, his hand outstretched.
“Danny.” He nods at Lorcan while he waits for me to take his hand.
“Kim.” I grasp his hand in mine, and it’s damp with sweat. When I release his hand, I wipe my palm down the side of my pants.
“Did you figure out who it is?” Lorcan crosses his arms and scans the room, taking in the production.
“I think it’s Bobby.” Danny focuses on the workers, not on Lorcan.
“Youthink?” Lorcan narrows his eyes, his voice pitching lower. “You either know or you don’t. If you don’t know, you’re no good to me.”
“I know. I know.” Danny’s voice wavers. “He’s skimming.”
“Is he also the guy selling my product on the side?”
Danny nods.
“I need you to speak, Danny.”
“Yes.” Danny shuffles his feet.
He’s lying.I glance at Lorcan and then Danny. He’s clearly afraid of whatever comes next if he doesn’t answer these questions. Why lie? He doesn’t know, or he’s hiding something. It’s curious Lorcan doesn’t pick up on the signs. Maybe everyone reacts to him and his demands with fear and uncertainty.
Stepping around Danny, I move through the room, watching the assembly line, the way they calculate the large sums of money. The women working with the drugs are in their bras and underwear. One woman who is clothed and sitting behind a folding table is counting money beside a dark-skinned kid who can’t be more than twenty. Her focus keeps straying to Danny and Lorcan, biting her lip, only half paying attention to the money being counted.
“Bobby,” Danny calls to the only other male in the room who does not appear to be doing any work.
The dark-skinned boy glances up, startled, and rises from his chair. “Yes, sir.”
“Come here.” Danny motions with his hand, waving Bobby toward us.
I trail Bobby as he heads to them, waiting to see what will happen.
“Office.” Lorcan gestures to the door across the room with another secure entrance. He strides in that direction, and Danny, Bobby, and I follow.