Page 44 of Retribution
“You think he puts it on?”
“Come on, Kimmy. You’re not dumb.”
The full Irish accent and the complete Bostonian ones are certainly things he puts on like masks or costumes. But Lorcan’s natural way of speaking, the lilt, the hint of an accent underneath is authentic.
“Well, I’m glad you think I’m smart.” I twist his words. “Your brother has asked me to look into who killed your father. So he must think I’m pretty smart.”
Finn stills beside me. “He what?”
“You’re not deaf, Finn.”
“It was the O’Malleys.” He waves a hand.
“The same O’Malleys you’re peddling Viagra with?”
He snaps his fingers in mock remembrance. “That does remind me, I need to sign that contract.”
“You’re not in business with them?”
Finn wrinkles his nose. “I went to the O’Malleys to screw with Lorcan.”
“Yeah, I got that part. The deal must be decent?” I wave my wooden spoon around and set it down. When I was taking the photos of the contract, I skimmed it. It didn’t seem like terrible terms or payout, all things considered.
“I don’t like Derry. I made his family enough money years ago. They’re a bunch of sleazy pricks who have no trouble getting into places they don’t belong.”
“What’s that mean?”
“His father helped arrange my mother’s death.” Finn’s icy eyes meet mine.
“That’s why you fought for them?” Puzzled, I furrow my brow. Making them money sounds like the opposite of what I’d expect.
“I was trying to get information.”
“Did you get it?”
“In a way.”
I sigh. “Is that why you think the O’Malleys killed your father?”
“No.” He takes the spoon off the counter, dips it into the sauce cooking on the stove, then pops it into his mouth. Finn’s gaze connects with mine. “Certainly not bland.”
“I like a bit of spice.”
“As do I.”
I roll my eyes and continue thinking out loud. “If the O’Malleys killed him, why aren’t you doing something about it?” I take a new spoon out of the drawer and stir the sauce.
“You like wars, Kimmy?”
My focus flicks to him. “When they’re necessary.”
“Retribution isn’talwaysnecessary. When it is, the timing needs to be impeccable. No mistakes. No one left alive.”
“That’s your plan with the O’Malleys? Take them down?”