Page 26 of Not Yet Yours
“Oh, shit, wait,” Harriet says, and she ducks back into the room.
I wait for her, and she soon reappears, holding her panties up like a prize.
“I almost left them on the floor of that room,” she says, and we laugh again as I pull the door closed and Harriet and I head down to our room. We go inside and then I notice Harriet looks a bit worried.
“What’s up?” I say, hoping she isn’t going to go all weird on me again.
“I was just thinking, if our key card opened that other door, wouldn’t their key card potentially open our door?” she says.
“Technically yes,” I say. “But the key cards will only open locks they aren’t programmed for if you go in at just the right angle and with just the right amount of pressure. It’s something I learned from my hotels. It’s unlikely there’s a murderous hotelier on the loose, but if it makes you feel better, we can move the chest of drawers in front of the door to put your mind at rest.”
“No, I’m sure it’ll be fine. Besides, I have a big strong man to protect me, don’t I?” Harriet says.
“Always,” I agree.
“And this man, what’s he like at unzipping dresses?” Harriet asks.
“He’s pretty good at it,” I say, and she turns her back to me. I gently pull the zipper down on her dress and she goes into the bathroom to get ready for bed. I go in behind her when she is done, and I do the same and then I come out of the bathroom. I’m unsure if I meant to be on my carpet bed after our chat about her not being ready for anything serious, or whether I am meantto be in the big bed and making love to Harriet and trying to get her to come around to wanting me by her side all the time.
“What? Do you need a handwritten invitation or something?” Harriet asks me.
“Well, now that you’ve mentioned it, yes, I would like that,” I say.
“Suit yourself,” Harriet grins. “The floor is right there if my verbal invitation isn’t enough for you.”
“Ah, see, I haven’t had an invitation, verbal or otherwise,” I tell her.
“Oh, I see. We’d best rectify that then,” she says. She grins again and gestures over her shoulder to the empty side of the bed. “Get in dummy.”
“Not the best way to word the invitation,” I say as I start around the bed.
“And yet it’s still better than sleeping on the floor though right,” she says.
“Right,” I agree.
We lay there beside each other in the bed, and I don’t know if it’s because I’ve had a few drinks or because the orgasm I just had was so intense that it drained me, but as much as I want to take hold of Harriet and fuck her senseless once more, my eyes keep closing and I find myself falling asleep before anything else can happen between us.
Chapter Fifteen
I’m sad that the weekend is over if I’m being honest. I had a really good time. It was nice to catch up with Max and Cullen and obviously Liam is good company too, and I really enjoyed the party. It was actually a lot of fun pretending to be a couple with Liam when Dorothy came and sat down with us for a bit at the party. I was pleased Liam’s mom hadn’t been able to make the party though because it didn’t seem right lying to her because she wasn’t pushing Liam into something he didn’t want, but I didn’t know how well she would take the truth. She might not have approved of us lying to her sister. And at the wedding, she just knew me as the maid of honor and I knew her as the mother of the groom rather than as Liam’s mom, and there was no need to lie to her.
We made the most of the last day of our pretend relationship though. We had to vacate our hotel rooms by noon, but we were free to use the hotel facilities for the rest of the day, so we checked out and then spent another afternoon by the pool. Liam even managed to persuade me to join in with the volleyball game today. We had a lot of fun and a lot of laughs and of course, our team won.
We finally left the hotel around five o’clock and halfway home, Liam suggested we stop for an early dinner. I was hungry but I told him I couldn’t go into a nice restaurant like this. “This” being the state of my hair and makeup after a day spent in and out of the pool and spreading sunscreen on myself without being able to shower afterward. Although Liam insisted that I looked beautiful, the liar, he finally relented, and we went through a McDonald’s drive-thru and got cheeseburgers and fries which we ate in Liam’s car in the parking lot.
It's almost half past eight now and we’re about to pull onto my street. I’m not quite ready for the weekend to be over yet, but I can’t invite Liam in, because that will sound like I am inviting him to have sex with me, and as much as I want that, now that we’re home, all of that has to stop.
Liam pulls up outside of my house, but neither of us makes a move to get out of the car just yet. I glance at him and smile, feeling suddenly shy.
“Thank you for a great weekend,” I say.
“No, thank you,” Liam says. “I enjoyed the weekend a lot and that was mostly down to spending it with you.”
I feel myself blush a little bit, but I don’t say anything. I love hearing those words from Liam, but at the same time, they are taking us to dangerous territory. Territory I cannot cross.
Liam shifts in his seat so that he’s facing me, his arm leaning against the seat back.