Page 2 of Papa's Beloved
I can't help but laugh at her antics. Doctor Montgomery does have dark hair and a square jaw, but he’s not short. Well, not Farquaad short. He is handsy. Which reminds me. I turn my back to the wall while I study the chart in front of me.
“Good morning, ladies.”
“Good morning Doctor Montgomery,” We all say.
He comes to stand next to me, crowding my space and causing Millie to move.
“Chardonnay, you’re just the girl I’m looking for.”
I cringe at the wordgirl.
“How can I help you this morning, Doctor?”
“You can help me by going out on a date with me tonight.”
I shake my head. “Sorry, I’m seeing someone.”
His posture stiffens. “Oh, well, I’m sure it’s nothing serious. Go out with me anyway.”
Who the hell does he think he is? I bite back the first retort that comes to mind.
“I don’t date co-workers.”
“I’m not a co-worker. I’m your superior.”
“Miss Danvers, can you please join me in room 203,” a deep voice says.
I look up to find Doc, one of the Voodoo Kings, who is a doctor at Mercy General, where I’m interning.
“Of course, Doctor Moore.”
“Moore, we’re in the middle of something. Can’t it wait?”
“You’re in the middle of getting ready to have sexual harassment charges filed against you, and no, it can’t wait as the patients are our priority.”
“Moore, can I speak with you privately?” Montgomery wines.
“No, I have patients to tend to. Which is why I came to get Miss Danvers.”
“I’m right behind you, Doctor Moore. Please lead the way.”
Doc turns and walks away from the group heading down the hall toward the ICU unit. I follow behind him. When we turn the corner out of sight from the others, he stops.
“You alright?”
I nod my head. “Yeah. I mostly ignore the pompous ass.”
“I can set him straight if you or, better yet, why don’t you let Papa come in and set him straight.”
I shake my head. “No, I don’t want to bother him with Montgomery’s BS. I can handle the slime ball. Even if he does treat anyone not a doctor like they’re shit, he just stepped in.”
“You could let him claim you and then all the Montgomerys in the world will know you’re taken.”
I narrowed my eyes on him. “Did he put you up to this?”
“You know he didn’t. It’s not like we all don’t know you two are in a relationship.”
“I don’t have a patch on my back. It’s not official. Now, do you have patients for me to look at?”