Page 28 of Papa's Beloved
Nay lays her head back on the pillow and closes her eyes. I untie her, rubbing each limb soothingly. After she’s unbound, I head to the bathroom and turn on the water to warm before dashing into the kitchen to prepare her drink.
A few minutes later, I have her cleaned up with her chocolate milk in hand, wrapped in my arms. I hold her until she falls asleep.
Chapter 22
Ifeel like I’ve barely closed my eyes when the phone rings.
“Who am I killing?”
“Sorry, Papa, there’s a man here who insists on seeing you and says he has something for you.”
“Do you have a name?” I ask, my feet hitting the floor as I scramble for clothes.
I finished fucking my queen senseless and cleaned us up less than an hour ago.
“His patch says Freak. He’s a Merciless Few.”
“On my way. I need to get dressed. Send a text to the brass with an update.”
“On it. I’ll let the guy know you’re on your way.”
“ETA 5,” I say, then disconnect the call.
I look at the bed to find my woman still passed out on the bed. I dress quickly before writing a note and leaving it on my pillow. I take the stairs because it’s faster. I hear the door on the second floor open seconds before Wizard appears.
He gives me a nod and follows me down the stairs. We’re on the second floor when the third floor door to the stairwell opens and boots pound down.
“Elvis is in the building,” Wizard says.
I chuckle and hurry out of the stairwell and across the lobby. Wizard calls Blue Elvis sometimes because of his appearance and voice. The gate’s far enough away. I run to my sled and fire it up. It’ll be quicker. There’s a lone biker inside the gate. He’s got his kickstand down sitting on this seat, feet crossed on theground, toothpick in his mouth. I pull close by, but he waves me off when I go to put the stand down. Uncrossing his legs, he stands, then walks towards me as my brother’s pull nearby.
“Might as well stay on your ride. You’ll need a cage for your package.”
“Havoc’s on his way,” Mayhem shouts from the gatehouse.
I extend my hand. “Papa, VP, Voodoo Kings.”
He smirks, “Freak, VP, Merciless Few.”
“Brother,” Gambit says, pulling to a stop beside us.
I turn to see who’s with me before introducing them.
“Freak, this is Gambit, Smoke, Nitro, Blue, Dakota, Decker, and Wizard. Our President, Enforcer, Sergeant at Arms, Secretary, Treasurer, and Security Expert.”
Freak chuckles. “Quick. I like that. Ready to roll?”
“We are,” I say.
He nods and gets on his bike. I hear Havoc pound on the side of the van to let us know he’s arrived. Freak pulls through the open gate, followed by my brothers and I. We follow him to the lower ninth. He pulls to the stop behind a boarded up church.
We park beside him and follow him inside. He leads us into the church where the office area is. There, tied to a chair, is none other than Pablo Cotilla. The G’Dawgs’ third in command.
“I heard you were looking for some stray dogs. I found this one trying to kidnap a thirteen-year-old girl. As much as I’d like to take care of the scum, scuttlebutt says the Kings’ have first dibs on their worthless hides.”
“We owe you and yours a solid,” I say.