Page 52 of Wizard's Spitfire
I stand up, lay the flowers on the table, and stride across the room, taking her into my arms. I kiss her until we’re both breathing heavy and one of the triplets is in the background making gagging noises and saying gross. The other two are giggling.
We finally pull apart.
“Damn, Spitfire, you look amazing. I mean, knock me over with a feather.”
Charlie’s cheeks are pink.
“I’m glad you like it.”
“Like it? That’s the understatement of the year, tesoro. Are you ready to go?”
She smiles up at me. “Are those my flowers?”
“Shit. Yeah, sorry. As soon as I saw you, all other thoughts fled from my brain.”
I heard a collective sigh behind me.
“That may be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. Let me go put them in a vase. My purse and jacket are by the door.”
I watch her exquisite ass as she retrieves the flowers and heads to the kitchen. She’s back in less than a minute with the flowers in a glass vase. Charlie sets the flowers in the middle of the coffee table.
“They’re beautiful, Damian. Thank you.”
I smile. “Anything for my girl.”
Charlie takes my hand, and we make our way to the front door and to my sled. It doesn’t take long to mount up and head down the road. She doesn’t know where we’re going or what we’re doing.
I hope she likes the plans I made for us today. I know she loves to cook. Her whole family does. I’ve been lucky enough to spend a few Sunday afternoons with them making dinner. I booked a cooking slash wine tasting class and invited a few of our friends.
A couples’ date night and afterwards we’re going dancing. The class is in Baton Rouge, so Charlie has a chance to ride. I love that she loves riding with me. I overheard her talking to the ol’ ladies a few days ago. A few of them are talking about learning to ride and getting sleds of their own. I think it’s a great idea. Don’t get me wrong, there are few things better than having her wrapped around me when we’re on the open road. My dick’s been hard since I saw her in that outfit. She’s always beautiful, but tonight she’s a fucking Goddess.
Neither of us uses the built-in Bluetooth on the way, simply enjoying the scenery. I think we need a ride soon. I’ll talkto Decker about organizing a ride. Maybe ride through the swamplands and make a day of it.
The ride seems far too short. Only an hour and fifteen-minute ride by the time we pull into the parking lot. Our friends will arrive after us, so they don’t give away part of the surprise. We find a spot up front. I park the sled and help her off before getting off and stowing our helmets in the luggage.
Chapter 35
The ride here was magnificent. We really need to ride more. Maybe when things with the sting are over, we can go on longer rides. We have five escorts tonight. Angel, Saint, Hustle, Hurl and Honda. The triplets served four terms in the Marines, two of those as Marine Raiders.
All too soon, we pull into a strip mall. Wizard parks up front and helps me off the sled. I take off my helmet and put it in the luggage. My boyfriend bought a new bike after we started dating because it wasn’t comfortable for two.
God, I love this man. Da fuck?Did I just think that? I did. And I do. Now to pick the right time to tell him. After he stows his helmet, he tilts my chin up for a sweet, soft, kiss. When we turn around, I spot the name of the store we’re parked in front of the Tasting Table.
“Is this where we’re going?” I ask, pointing to the sign.
“It is. It’s a cooking slash wine tasting class. It’s a three-course meal. We’re cooking with wine as well.”
“I can’t wait. This is thoughtful. Thank you. Maybe we can switch it up for Sunday dinner and make what we learn to cook tonight.”
“Do you think Regina will go for that?”
“No, but we can outvote her. We do it a few times a year. It’s nice to change things up. You should have seen her face when we voted for sushi.”
We walk as we talk. Wizard opens the door and ushers me inside. We find our way to a large open area with six cookingstations set up in the middle. Off to one side is a classroom type area, while the other side has bistro tables and chairs.
“Which station do you want, tesoro?”