Page 50 of Wrath's Nightingale
Lisa introduces us. “Wrath, this is Danny and Mariea Goodwyne. They own the ranch.”
“This is Wrath, Millie’s husband, and his brothers, Decker and Saber.”
We shake hands with them before Danny speaks.
“Bobby is on his way here with my kids in tow. Between my kids and ranch hands, no one knows these trails better. We’ll find Millie.”
Millie told me that her family and the Goodwyne’s had been friends for years. They were younger than her parents, but older than her. She had said little other than that both families shareda love of horses. Danny is a farrier horse trainer, while Mariea is an interior designer.
We don’t have long to wait until three people enter the office. A young man in his twenties and two teens. A boy and a girl. Danny introduces them. “This is Bobby. My son Danny Jr. Everyone calls him Bub; and my daughter Candy.”
“Bobby, update me, then tell these men what you told me.”
Bobby steps forward. “All the horses are saddled, and we have teams in the field right now, including the one with Millie’s dad. Millie took Rio out about three hours ago. About forty minutes ago, Rio came back without Millie. He was lathered up and terrified. He’d been running hard from something.”
I swear under my breath. I have no fucking clue what could make a horse run like that, but I figured none of it was good and my woman could be in serious trouble. Candy steps forward. She’s a cute kid. I’d put her around sixteen and tall. Close to six feet, with long blonde hair and sky-blue eyes.
“You’re Mimi’s husband?”
She blushes. “Millie was too difficult for me to say when I was little. Millie told me to call her Mimi instead. I guess I haven’t stopped. Anyway, I’ll take you to her favorite trails. I know them all.”
“Lead the way.”
She nods and walks towards the horses. My brothers and I follow. Decker, Saber, and Blue are coming with me. While my other brothers are heading out with Bub. Lisa is staying behind to help Mariea coordinate everyone. Danny is leading another team. Basically, four teams, four directions. With the first two teams about thirty minutes ahead of us.
Thank God Brian and Lisa took us all out on that long ass ride. Add that to Dakota’s insistence. We all need to learn the basics because our kids will no doubt be hooked at first sight. Headded Uncle Dakota would take every one of our rug rats to his little ranch.
I mount up a dark-colored horse without bothering to see if it’s a mare or gelding. Candy is on the horse in front of mine. I turn to see my brothers mount with ease.
“We’re ready, Candy.”
She clicks and gently heels the horse, which takes off in a slow trot. I mimic her actions and follow. Candy leads us toward the path we took the first time. We ride along that direction for several minutes before she slows to a walk and veers off onto another path. We’re instantly plunged into shadows as the leaves from the tree canopy block out much of the light.
I can see a patch of light coming up.
“How fast can y’all ride?” Candy asks.
“Full out if it means saving my woman. If someone falls off, you keep going. Our asses will get back on and follow.”
She nods her head and pushes her cowboy hat down on her head.
“Follow behind me. The path is even with no divots or dips for the horses to stumble.”
I watch as she breaks from the trees’ canvas to open field.
She makes a smooching noise, lifts off the saddle, tucks in and slaps the reins on her horse's ass. I watch the horse take off into a full gallop before breaking into an even faster run. My jaw drops open for a few seconds before my brain kicks in and I follow suit.
I’m holding on for dear life, trying to remember to post. I finally get the saying ‘riding hell bent for leather’. My ass is going to pay tomorrow. I could give a fuck less.
I have no idea how my brothers are faring. It’s taking all I have to stay on this horse and follow Candy. That girl is like an extension of the horse. If these were different circumstances, I could take time to admire the young lady’s skill.
We ride for quite a distance before slowing down and entering another wooded area. A few minutes in, Candy comes to a halt. She dismounts to inspect something on the trail.
“A bear’s been this way. It could’ve spooked Rio.”
I watch the young lady grab her horse’s reins and start walking down the trail. I dismount and follow suit. As we walk, she points out the bear’s prints as well as broken twigs and branches along the way.