Page 57 of Wrath's Nightingale
“There's a private room just inside to the left for us to talk.”
What in the actual fuck is going on?I bite back my irritation. Crab opens the door before hurrying around us to open the door to the room Gambit mentioned.
“Crab, wait outside the door.”
Crab nods and takes up position outside the door. Gambit comes in and closes the door behind him.
“I’m sorry, brother, to do it like this, but there’s not much time.”
He turns to Millie. “I’m also sorry for what’s about to happen.”
“What the fuck is going on?” I demand.
Gambit looks at me. I take a deep breath.
“You had a one-night stand with a woman about ten months ago.”
I nodded my head to confirm it.
“She got pregnant.”
“What? I wrapped it up and she said she was on the pill.”
“It’s possible she was. Unfortunately, it's not the only pills she was taking. Her name is Lola Biaz. She gave birth to twins less than two weeks ago and overdosed earlier today. She listed you on the birth certificate.
“One of the nurses who worked with Doc and attended a party remembered you were a part of the club and called me. A social worker is on their way now to take the twins into custody unless you’ll take them?”
I am absofuckinglutely floored. I turn to look at Millie. Her face is a picture of calm. She reaches up and takes my hand.
“You didn’t know me ten months ago, Wrath. Take those babies. Don’t let them go in the system. We’ll raise them together.”
“There’s one more thing you need to know,” Gambit adds.
“What is it?” I ask.
“The twins are suffering from NAS.”
I hear Millie gasp. “Poor sweet babies. I haven’t changed my mind, but I’m going to have to resign from my new job before I start. I can’t work at Artemis and take care of the twins. At least not for six months to a year.”
“Your job is waiting whenever you’re ready, Millie.”
I stoop down beside her, taking both her hands. I look into her eyes.
“Are you sure?”
“Aren’t you?”
I feel heat rise to my cheeks. “I can’t lose you.”
“You’re not losing me. We’re gaining a family. I mean, everything else has been lightning fast. Why not our family?”
“But you wanted to wait.”
“I did, but there’s no way those babies aren’t coming home with us. OH MY GOD! WE NEED EVERYTHING!”
“I already sent a text to Stormy. If I know my wife. She has all the ol’ ladies and dolls immobilized and in the process of turning the spare bedroom into a nursery.”
The door opens, and a harried looking man hurries in. A worn-looking leather briefcase is in his hand.