Page 48 of Cashmere Cruelty
He doesn’t get to beg for mercy anymore.
I crouch to his level. Like this, his beady eyes are mere inches from mine. “You have two choices. One, you can tell me what I want to know. If it checks out, I’ll have my best man put a bullet in your skull. Quick and painless.”
He starts to shake his head frantically. “No, no, please?—”
“Two,” I cut him off, “I can pick up those pliers. You’ve got no nails left, but I can still see a good number of teeth ripe for the plucking.” For good measure, I run my thumb along his jawline, feeling the ridge of each remaining tooth through his sunken cheek. “You have three seconds to decide, or I’ll do it for you.”
“Please, don’t.”
“I can’t!”Two. “I can’t, please, you have no idea?—”
I wrinkle my nose. I was looking forward to doing this myself, but the smell has just gotten unbearable. “Yuri,” I call from the doorway. “Take care of our patient here.”
I hand him the pliers. “Gladly,” he hisses, staring at the guy like he’s nothing but a shit stain on the sidewalk. Which, considering the stench, might not be far from the truth.
I leave them behind and close the door.
Then I head to Room B.
The setup is the same. Tool cart, blood, restraints. Only this time, the guy isn’t asleep.
“Matvey Groza,” he spits with an accent I immediately place. “My boss sends his regards.”
I don’t need to ask any more questions. If I wanted to, I could pick up my gun and paint the walls with this man’s brains.This man—the second motherfucker who dared lay his filthy hands on the mother of my child.
Instead, I pick up the pliers. “Really?” I drawl, feeling my face split into a grin. The grin of a wolf cornering its prey. “Then I’ll have to send him something back.”
I don’t think of April again all night.
When the doorbell rings that morning, I practically skip to answer it. I already know who it’s gonna be. For once, no surprises: no scorned brides, no brooding billionaires, no Grisha with a tea tray.
“There she is!” Elias booms, pulling me into a bear hug. “My favorite employee.”
I feel my spine creak slightly, but I let it happen. Honestly, it’s a small price to pay. What’s a few broken ribs to finally see a friendly face?
“I thought I was youronlyemployee?”
“Details, details.” Elias waves me off.
I usher him in, past the armed gorillas at the door. He glances back with good-humored suspicion. “Alright, where’s Ms. Swift hiding?”
“Oh, you know.” I shrug, helping Elias with the two giant suitcases he’s carrying. “Some blank space or other.”
Predictably, Elias doesn’t let me touch his bags. “And how’s my little Nugget been?” he asks, grinning at my belly.
“Comfortable.” If nothing else, it’s true. All throughout the kidnapping, the wedding crashing,andmoving day, Mr. or Ms. Chicken Nug didn’t bat an eye. Either I’m too tired to feel it kicking, or I’m carrying the next Buddha. “How about you?”
“Busy,” he admits, though still grinning. “But nothing I can’t handle.”