Page 2 of Played
Wanting to do one more check on the bikes, River went back to the pit area before changing. Music blared from shitty speakers and everyone was pacing around, fretting like today was the end of the world. She said nothing as she checked the bikes with Dan, whose attention was more on her best friend then on his job. “You need to ask her out already.”
“Don’t know what you mean.”
“Whatever. Are the bikes good?”
“They’re as good as they’re gonna get.”
She wished her team would act a little less anxious, it would go a long way to helping her relax. Yes, there was a lot riding on this race. If anyone could see inside her, they would see a bundle of nerves. If everyone did their job correctly, everything would go smoothly both on and off the track. She could do with a little meditation. Shoving her earbuds in, River began listening to relaxation sounds. However, her Zen was soon jacked by a phone call.
“Hello, lover.”
“Hey, you, sorry I didn’t call earlier, it’s been crazy out here today.” She could hear the buzz of excitement in the background as Riot went on about specs and an issue with his frontend they had been adjusting all morning.
Knowing how things were on race day, she cut him some slack. “That’s okay, no need to apologize. Are you ready for your race?”
“Yeah, the track looks good, everyone’s pumped. Hang on…”
“Come on, Riot, I don’t have time to hang on. I need to get focused on the race.” A bunch of fools could be heard in the background. Then she heard the one damn voice she did not want to hear near her man.I can’t mistake that bitch…“Riot!”
“Sorry, sweetheart, Fisher popped in on his way to the pit. How are you feeling?”
That wasn’t the only person popping by. “I was better before Laurel just cooed in your ear.”
“JoJo, don’t worry about her. Now tell me about you.” Riot’s nickname for her wouldn’t keep her from disliking the woman. River would discuss the woman later after they were done racing and back home together… in bed, where she would have him at her mercy.
“I’m okay. I walked the track and it looks good. Didn’t see anything to be worried about. How about you?”
“I didn’t walk the track.” He laughed. Damn he loved this girl. “I love you.”
“Love you back.” River heard Mal hollering for her, something about being needed in the pit. “Riot, I have to go, they need me to look over the bikes.”
“JoJo, I want you to ride your ride, no one else’s. Remember that.”
“I will. I promise.” When she hung up, River was in a much better headspace. Riot always knew how to manage her emotions, even when she didn’t realize they were running rampant. She sent him a message to give him a smile before getting behind the wheel.
Riot, it’s all you, lover. Bret Michaels, “Driven”.
To River’s surprise, Riot sent a message back.LOL, Back at you, JoJo, Justin Timberlake- “Sexy Back.” I’ll want my woman waiting on me when we both get home. Ride your ride sweetheart.
Smiling, she tossed the phone in the locker. It’s time to make sure everything and everyone are ready.No matter what, I will be riding my ride.River would bide her time until she could take out her aggravation over Laurel on the track.
The pit was silent. As she turned the corner, River burst into laughter at the spectacle in front of her. Duncan, Mal’s brother, was standing shirtless, showing off his impressive abs while twirling an umbrella. All they needed was music to make it better. The roar of laughter that escaped her was exactly what was needed to get everyone relaxed. “Stop, I can’t breathe. Quit, before you hurt something.”
“Do I get the job?” he asked, looking innocent.
“Fuck yeah.” She walked away, laughing.Wait until they get a load of him on the track.
Commentator 1:Look at that, it’s apacked grid of talent we have here today folks.
Commentator 2:It truly is rider versus rider when the red lights go out and they’re off…
Commentator 1:She’s gonna try and go around the outside, brilliant move by Wile as she cuts down into the end field. I’ve only seen that done a few times successfully, shows you Wile really wants this win here today.
Commentator 2:Not too many people can go the distance at this speed, Frank. Mistakes can be made when you push it.