Page 27 of Played
That voice, always so smooth, unnerved her every time. River hadn’t seen him since Fontana. “Johnny,” she said dryly.
“You never call me Johnny unless you’re mad at me. Are you mad at me, sweetheart?” He pulled her to a dark corner by the bar, away from prying eyes. “You look stunning tonight.” Riot smiled, waiting for River to say something pissy. He had always loved her spirit and her fiery temper. Her fingers walked along the buttons of his dress shirt. When they stopped at his collar, he gripped her arms, pulling her to him. River’s hand moved to his throat and trailed along his jawline. Her fingers traced the scar that ran along his face. He waited until her eyes stared back into his. Shoving her against the wall, he smashed his mouth to hers.
White hot flames licked along his spine as he felt her kiss him back. Her lips parted for him to invade her warmth. Her mouth was so welcoming. He deepened the kiss, pressing his body into hers, lost in the moment, forgetting where they were—until River pushed at him to stop.
“Riot, too many people are around.”
“I don’t care. No one will see us, I promise.” He leaned in to take her mouth again, but she put her fingers against his lips to stop him, shaking her head no.
“I’llknow.” Somewhere, fate laughed at her. She wanted him, but could she handle just one night? Damn her body and mind for betraying her. Blame it on loneliness. Blame it on pure desire. Blame it on too many martinis. Blame it on her wanting revenge on Laurel. Tonight, she was taking back a small part of what was once hers.
His dark blue eyes stared at her, waiting for the invitation to cross her pretty lips. His heart felt as if it would explode with the way it was banging against his chest. She did that to him. Knocked him off balance with just one look. When she finally asked him where he was staying, Riot’s heart skipped a beat.
Leaning closer to River, he whispered, “Be sure.” Even if this were only to scratch an itch for her, it was everything to him, and he wouldn’t be letting her go this time. He’d keep that information to himself until he had her writhing beneath him… begging. “Did you come with Mal and Dan?”
“Yes.” River hated how needy she sounded. Needy was better than desperate.Not really.
“Text Mal and tell her you’re leaving with me. I’ll bring you home tomorrow.”
“What about—” He cut her off with another kiss. God, he tasted so good. It felt incredible to be in his arms again. It was as if he knew what she needed. Wanted. Craved.
Riot pushed her farther into the darkened corner, kissing her. His hands slid down her torso, caressing, groping as they found their way to her ass. When he dug his fingers into her perfect heart-shaped ass, she moaned, pressing against his body.
He broke the kiss and growled, “Fuck, let’s get out of here.”
River let him tug her into a back hallway, moving quickly before anyone could come looking for them. She needed to text Mal before she forgot, but she didn’t dare stop Riot from racing them from the party. River would message her from the car. As if Mal could read minds, River’s phone rang. “Hello, Mal.”
“Where are you?”
“Outside in the parking lot.” River laughed as Riot nudged her to get in the car.
“Good, we will meet you at the car.”
“I will call you tomorrow.” River covered her face with her free hand. Then Riot was in the car, closing the door and grabbing her phone.
“Hey Mal, it’s Riot. I’ve got your girl with me. I’ll get her home safe, promise.” Silence was all he heard, so he finished what he knew Mal was trying to find the words to say. “I know, Mal. If I hurt her again you will cut my dick off and shove it up my ass.”
“Close enough, asshole,” Mal said bitterly.
Handing the phone back to River, Riot started the car. From the driver’s seat, he watched River toss the phone in her purse without another word to Mal. “Are you in trouble with your warden?”
“Will you be in trouble with yours?”
Neither answered as he took the car through its paces on the windy California roads. You could take the man out of racing, but you couldn’t take the racing out of the man. Leaning her seat back, she settled in for the drive.
For a minute she thought he would take her to a hotel, then she realized the direction they were heading. “Where are we going?”
Riot smiled that cocky smile he always gave her when he was being sneaky. “Your place.”
“How do you… Michael.” River watched his smile turn into a full-blown grin. Shaking her head, she laughed. “I’m gonna have to keep my eyes on you, Meniere.” His expression turned serious when her eyes met his.
“You will be keeping your eyes on me all night, sweetheart.”
Shivers ran down her back as the tone of Riot’s voice caressed her skin. She should be pissed that he was telling her and not asking her. But she had changed. He had changed. Now they would get to know the new versions of each other. The past lay behind them, the present was in front of them, and the future lay ahead somewhere. Tonight, River would take what was in front of them.