Page 4 of Played
Today should have been the best day of her life, but it turned out to be the worst. The TV in the airport was replaying the accident for the hundredth time. She remembered stumbling as she saw it the first time. She remembered screaming as the news anchor came on to report that Fisher Morgan and Cypress Wile had been killed in a fatal crash at Fontana Speedway. She remembered the phone ringing in her hand as she fell to her knees, begging God not to take her brother. Ben’s voice was so distraught as he tried to tell River what she already knew.
Ben said Riot was rushed into surgery. River can’t imagine losing him too. “I can’t lose him, he’s all I have left.” It will take her eight hours to get to the hospital, and she contemplated calling Laurel before getting on the plane. Why bother? She wouldn’t answer the phone, and it’s not like the bitch called her to find out how she was holding up—or to tell her what had happened to her brother. Ben knew to keep her out of Cypress’s house until she got home. She would steal everything that’s not nailed down.Why do I even care?
Her eyes were burning from crying and her head was killing her. If she sat down, someone would ask her questions, questions she doesn’t want to answer. Instead, she found a spot by the window. It was nice to have something to lean against, something to pretend could keep her from falling down. Closing her eyes, River could see Cypress smiling when she packed the bikes, telling him she would get her ride for a pro team.I did it, Cypress, you would be so proud of me.
She should call Mal… that’s the only person she had to call. Her best friend who was more a sister than a friend. She didn’t have any parents to call—their dad died when River was ten and their awesome mom bailed on her by sixteen, leaving her to finish high school living on a friend’s sofa. If the woman were still alive that would be a miracle. Dear old mom had snorted her way through the life insurance—other than what had been already willed into a trust for her and Cypress. Pressing the heel of her hand against her eye, she tried desperately to rid herself of the headache behind it.
Her name being called brought River from her thoughts. Her name had come over the intercom system, again asking her to report to the boarding counter.I can’t take more bad news. If I don’t get on this flight, I will have to wait until tomorrow for the next one.
“I’m River Wile.”
“Yes ma’am, you’ve been upgraded to first class. You can just give me your boarding pass and we will let you board now.”
“Thank you.” Is that her voice? She barely recognized it. Her hands shook badly as she handed the ticket over, but there was nothing she could do to stop it. A wave of nausea came over her as she realized for the first time that her whole family is gone now.Does this make me an orphan?The churning in the pit of her stomach made River think she should run to the bathroom before boarding the plane, but the stewardess was waving her forward. It was like a bad dream. She could see the woman’s mouth moving, but no words were audible, the tears were back now. There was nothing she could do but allow her feet to drag her exhausted body along the corridor. There was no going back now.
I’m headed home to what? To plan the funeral of my brother. This can’t be happening.
“I can’t do this.”I have interviews I have to do. This was supposed to be my perfect day.
Slumping against the corridor wall, River silently begged for the numbness to take her, where she didn’t have to feel anymore.
Don’t disappoint me, River.
She heard his voice and knew she had to go home. She couldn’t let him down, not this time. This time she will make him proud.
Hold your head up, kid. Don’t let them ever see you’ve been beaten. You’re a Wile, and Wiles don’t go down easy we fight to the bitter end.
“Okay Cypress, I’m going to hold my head up, but not until I get off at LAX.”I’m gonna make him proud, I won’t go down easy. I won’t let them see me beaten.
Cypress taught her to be cautious. She took a minute to think what he would do if the situation were turned. River knew he wouldn’t let a backstabbing cheating bitch get her hands on River’s money, that’s for sure. It was the last fucking thing she wanted to think about. She checked the time and saw she had about thirty minutes to make a few phone calls.
Before anyone else sat near her, River called Ben. She can’t stand the sound of the phone ringing over and over again.Pick the fucking phone up.
“Hello?” Ben answered. She knew he was probably putting on his game face, trying to keep his shit together so she doesn’t have to know how hard this was for him. Cypress was and always will be his best friend. It was a frenzy of reporters, all wanting a piece of the story. Some would report the truth. others would twist it into something more. He needed River to listen to him and not the news.
“River, where are you? The reporters are swarming for a story.”
“I’m on the plane waiting to take off. I need to ask you a few questions, can you talk?”
She sounded as bad as he felt, and that’s saying a lot. He felt like someone sucker-punched him in the heart. He’d still done his best to handle things on the track. He glanced around, making sure there was no one near me so he could talk to her. “Yeah, I’m good. I’m headed to the hospital now.”
She could hear the waver in his voice and knew it wasn’t just her that’s struggling with Cypress being gone. “Do you have my brother’s keys and wallet?” It sounded so trivial to ask for those things.
“They are all secured in his locker. Why?” Poor girl had too much to worry about, she shouldn’t have to worry about someone stealing from her while she dealt with this. The vultures were already circling, and she needed to be ready for it.
There was so much more to worry about than if Laurel gets her hands-on Cypress’s wallet. But she just didn’t trust her. “Listen, please don’t take this the wrong way, but… I don’t trust Laurel.”
“No one trust that two-timing slut. Don’t you worry, she won’t get in the house. I already have security guards on site. I also have paperwork you will need to take care of. I’m sorry, River, I really am.”
Wiping away tears. She knew no one made Cypress get in that car, it was his life. His choice every damn day. Blaming someone for his death would be like blaming the sun for the weather being hot. Senseless. Useless. Foolish. “You didn’t make him get in that car. It was his life.”
“Do you want me to pick you up from the airport?”