Page 3 of To Quench Her Thirst
She was still irritated now, Addie admitted to herself, as she watched him pilot their ship through the scarlet slash in space that led to their destination. After years of never saying a word about any of the missions they’d been on together,nowhe decided to kick up a fuss just because he didn’t like the Vargan ambassador. It was silly and it was ruining her anticipation of the lovely reception she was sure they would receive on Crimson Moon.
Why is he so damn stubborn? Is he actually jealous for once?But why would he be? They weren’t in any kind of romantic relationship and he’d never shown any interest in her that way. From the corner of her eye, she studied her Protector, wishing she could read his mind.
“No use staring at me like that,” Drago rumbled, keeping his eyes straight ahead as he flew the ship. “I said what I said and I don’t fucking care if you like it or not. That fucking Lx Sambla isn’t to be trusted.”
“You don’t like him because he was flirting with me,” Addie accused him. “Just becauseyoudon’t find me attractive doesn’t mean other men don’t!”
He turned his head to look at her, frowning.
“What the fuck gave you that idea? OfcourseI think you're attractive—you're a fucking gorgeous Elite! With your full hips and thick thighs, not to mention those big, starry eyes and that flame-colored hair,anymale would want you.”
“You…but you…” Addie didn’t know how to finish her sentence. Her Protector wasn’t in the habit of offering her compliments. The most he would ever say was, “You look fine” and he only saidthatif she specifically asked him to comment on what she was wearing on a particular mission. (Luckily for this mission, she hadn’t had to pack any special outfits because the Vargans were going to be providing their clothes.)
“I don’t like Sambla because he’s too smooth—there’s something fake about him,” Drago went on. “And he smells like old blood.” His nose wrinkled. “I don’t fucking like that.”
Addie opened and closed her mouth, not sure what to say. The idea that her gruff and growly Protector thought she was “gorgeous” and that he especially admired her wide hips and thick thighs—which she considered problem areas—was almost more than she could take in.
Just at that moment they flew out of the other side of the fold in space and found themselves in orbit around a tiny silver and red planetoid.
“There it is,” Drago rumbled, nodding at the planetoid floating in the viewscreen.
“Oh—it really is a moon, I guess,” Addie remarked, nodding at the huge gas giant with more rings than Saturn in the background. Clearly the planetoid they were aiming at was orbiting the much larger planetary body.
“Of course. Why else would they name it ‘Crimson Moon?’” Drago said reasonably. “I’m guessing the ‘Crimson’ part of the name comes from the water,” he added, nodding at the dark red blotches on the silvery surface of the moon.
“Yes—Lx Sambla told me something about how a mineral in their water makes it all red,” Addie remarked. “Isn’t it beautiful?” she added.
Drago just grunted noncommittally which was extremely irritating to Addie.
“You know, if you really don’t want to go you can just stay in the ship,” she told him. “I don’t mind attending the ceremony by myself.”
“And leave you alone with that untrustworthy reptile of a male? I don’t fucking think so,” Drago growled. “Just sit tight and let me land this thing.”
Addie shut her mouth but she couldn’t help cutting her eyes in his direction and studying him. Why was her usually stoic Protector so against this mission? He claimed he wasn’t jealous but he’d never called her “gorgeous” before Lx Sambla entered the scene. Could it be that this visit to Crimson Moon was forcing him tofinallyshow some emotions he’d been hiding for the past two years, the same way he hid his Drake from her?
Or maybe he’s right and this place is actually dangerous,whispered a little voice in the back of her head.Have you ever known his instincts to be off before? He has a nose for trouble, Addie—you can’t deny it.
Addie actually entertained the thought for a moment before pushing it firmly away. Commander Sylvan wouldn’t have allowed her to come on this mission if there was any danger involved. Of course, sometimes unforeseen circumstances arose but that was what Drago was for. And besides, she couldn’t imagine what could possibly go wrong—especially if everyone on Crimson Moon was as kind and polite as Lx Sambla.
Stop worrying, everything was going to be just fine,she told herself.
She had no idea how wrong she was.
Drago tried to keep a lid on his irritation as he contacted the surface of the silvery-red moon and asked for landing coordinates. It frustrated him that Addison couldn't seem to understand the danger she was putting herself in. He didn't trust that fucking ambassador—he was too smooth and soft-spoken. Drago was willing to bet there wasn't an honest bone in his entire oily body. But for some reason, Addison seemed to think he was charming.
Maybe it’s because he paid attention to her and gave her compliments which you never do,whispered a voice in the back of his head.
But Ican’tgive her compliments or pay her attention—I can’t fucking risk it!he argued with himself.If I do, my Drake will want to Claim her! I can’t fucking have that! I can never have her—no matter how much I want her.
He had known from the first minute he met Addison that the diminutive redhead was his Fated Mate—the one woman the Goddess had set aside just for him. And yet, he could never Claim her because of the beast he held prisoner within him.
Drago had what was known among his people as a "Primal Drake"—that is, a Drake that had no words or reasoning skills.Most Drake Kindred could reason with the beast they kept inside themselves and control it to some extent. But to his shame, Drago had no way to communicate or reason with his beast—he could shout at it mentally as much as he wanted to but it refused to listen. It was like they were speaking two different languages. Or more like the Drake inside him simply had no speech at all—the only language it knew was destruction and chaos.
He had found that out the hard way the first and only time he had allowed his Drake to come out, during his Coming of Age ceremony on his home planet. The beast that had erupted from him the moment he loosed control of himself had been wild and chaotic. It had caused enormous amounts of chaos and destruction and there was nothing Drago could do to stop it because it had taken over completely.