Page 26 of Ash and Roses
When we reach Kaylee’s room, I don’t bother to knock. It only then occurs to me that the girl might not be dressed, but the only person I see when I enter is Tess. “Where is she?”
“Where are your manners?” Tess says, putting her hands on her hips. “You were raised better than to barge into a lady’s room.” For just a moment, I think she might throw me out like she would have when I was a child, but instead she sighs. “I’m glad to see you home so soon.”
There’s a deeper meaning to her words, and I don’t have the mental capacity to comment on it right now. “Where is she?” I ask again, my voice still harsher than necessary.
The girl steps out from the dressing room clad in one of Kaylee’s dresses. It takes everything I have not to narrow my eyes at the offence and demand she take it off right here and now. “Sheis right here,” she says, crossing her arms. Does she really believe no one will think her royalty when she speaks to people with that tone?
“Prin, I presume.” I greet her with the name she’d given. Knowledge is power, and I’m not yet ready to share with her just how much I know. “You must not realize who I am, so allow me to introduce myself. I am Prince Quinn, ruler of Rosewood.” It’s been a long time since I had to refer to myself in such a way, and doing so now twists my stomach.
“I know very well who you are. Your Majesty.” She tacked on the title as if it were an afterthought. “You’ve kept me waiting.”
My eyebrows raise in genuine surprise. “Have I? Well, I apologize. Perhaps you’d care to accompany me on a tour of the castle?”
“I’ve already had a tour.”
My eyes slide to Tess, who is no doubt responsible for this. I’ll have to have a word with her later. “Is that so?”
“I do wish to speak with you, and a walk will do me some good.” She wishes to speak with me? Well, this should be interesting. I can’t see her father sending her here. He would sooner send an army if he discovered Rosewood’s existence. No, he’s not behind this.
I offer her my arm as a gentleman should and lead her through the halls. I’d really like to take her to the dungeon, but my parents’ chambers are closer. “After you,” I say as I pull open the door to a room I’ve been actively avoiding since my father’s death.
When she realizes where I’ve brought her, her face goes white. “This is extremely forward of you. I think I’m going to have to decline this tour.” She moves for the door, but I block her.
“We’re not here for that.” I can’t blame her for assuming these were my rooms, but bedding her is the farthest thing from my mind. “You’re going to tell me why you’ve come here, and I’ll know if you lie to me.” I take a step towards her, and she mirrors it with a step back.
“I woke up here. A creature in the forest attacked me.” She keeps backing away until she bumps up against my father’s desk, and I take the opportunity to close the space between us so she can’t move from that spot.
“What were you doing in the forest?”
“The king sent Abilene in search of help. Lunae is starving, and—”
“Do you take me for a fool? That bastard would never send one of his daughters here.” I expect her to flinch at the insult towards her father, but she keeps her composure. Either she agrees with the sentiment, or she’s playing me.
“Well, he did.”
“Liar!” I slam a fist down on the table. I mean only to startle her into talking, but it’s not fear I see in her face. One second she’s reaching behind her, and the next she has the point of a letter opener held against my throat.
“I suggest you step back,YourHighness.”
It takes everything in me not to laugh. Not at her threat, but at the fact that it’s made me feel more alive than I have since the curse. I can’t remember the last time I felt such exhilaration coursing through me, and if she weren’t a Daughter of Lunae, I’d be tempted to take her right here and now. She’s far too thin, but she’s not unattractive. I’m sure Evan would have been pleased if he’d lived long enough to make her his wife. The thought of my brother has the growing bulge in my pants softening. He always was a cock block.
“Or what? Are you going to stab me?”
“Not if you give me what I want.”
Finally, some answers. “And what might that be?”
“Freedom. Let me stay in Rosewood.” For a moment, I can’t say or do anything. Why would she want to stay here? Unless…
She’s running—but why?
I move so fast that she has no hope of stopping me. When my hand wraps around her wrist, I twist it just enough so that she drops the blade without actually hurting her. The last thing I need is to leave a mark. I kick the letter opener away before I release her and take a few steps back so she can stop seeing me as an immediate threat.
“No.” I can’t give her what she wants.
“No?” She moves towards me now, but I hold up a hand in warning.
“You’ll be returned to Lunae as soon as it’s safe for you to travel.” When exactly that will be, I can’t be certain, but itwillhappen.