Page 23 of Bound By Roses
I laugh, because this is the Petra I’ve come to know. “Can’t say I’m your biggest fan, either. Speaking of which, I thought you’d be with Teagan.”
She rolls her eyes with a level of dramatics that only she can muster. “Iwaswith Teagan—until your mate showed up.”
So that’s her problem. I should have known it was something like this, but she can’t exactly hold that against Abby. Teagan is her best friend, and the last time she saw her, she was dying. “She’s been worried.”
“And I haven’t?” she snaps, more angry than annoyed now.
“I didn’t say that. She’s your mate. You can talk to her from literally anywhere. An hour or two apart won’t kill you.”
She scoffs. “That’s easy for you to say when you and your mate both have legs.”
Her words give me pause and then all at once, I realize that I’m the asshole here. Even if she and Teagan are reunited, Teagan is still bound to the sea and there’s no telling how long she’ll be that way. So long as their worlds are kept apart, they’ll never truly be together. I can’t imagine being separated from Abby that way.
“You’re right. I should have realized. I know we haven’t had much opportunity to really be civil to one another, but I’m not always an arrogant prick. For the sake of our mates, can we at least try to be friends?”
She eyes my outstretched hand for a long moment before shaking it. “Fine, but I still don’t like you.”
She moves to walk away, but I call after her. “Petra? Hold on a second.”
She stops, but doesn’t turn back to me. “I agreed to try. That doesn’t mean I want to spend time with you.”
“I’m just wondering if you know where I’ll find Rhett.”
That gets her attention and has her turning back to me, eyes even more narrowed than before and arms crossed tightlyagainst her chest. “What do you want with him? If this is about your sister—”
“It’s not,” I cut her off, raising my hands in front of me. “Gods, that’s the last thing I want to think about.” I hadn’t forgotten that Rhett thinks he’s my sister’s mate, but it’s a thought I actively avoid. It’s not that I don’t like the guy. He’s probably my favourite of the dragons, next to Merrick. But that doesn’t mean I want him—or anyone—putting their hands on my sister.
She studies my face as if she’ll see any trace of a lie there. After another long moment, she relaxes. “I saw Merrick in the hall, so he’s probably taking a turn with Jade. It was supposed to be me, but…”
“Teagan’s back. I get it.” She doesn’t have to explain herself to me. What’s happening with Jade can’t be easy for any of them. He may be an asshole most of the time, but they’re a family. Even Petra would care if he died. In her own way. “How’s he doing?”
She sighs and I don’t miss the absentminded tugs at the sleeve of her shirt. “I don’t understand how he survived it. He’s always been a lucky bastard, but heshouldbe dead. Have you seen him yet?”
“I’ve been busy.” That’s putting it lightly. It’s hard enough being this far away from Abby. Visiting Jade wasn’t exactly a priority, even though it absolutely should be. He saved my life and set himself on fire to do it. Insatiable urges or not, I should at least see how he is.
She shifts her weight from one foot to the other. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this uncomfortable. “There’s something…different about him.”
“Different?” Rhett didn’t say anything about that when we saw him briefly this morning. “Different how?”
“Just go see him and tell your mate to do the same.” Before I can pry further, Petra walks away from me with a dismissive wave of her hand.
On my way to look for Rhett, I reach out to Abby through the bond.‘You doing okay?’It’s not that I think she’s not, but whatever happened between her and Petra probably wasn’t pretty.
Her answer comes immediately, and with it a warmth that fills me. I will never get enough of her.‘I’m fine. I’m with Teagan.’
‘I heard. Petra’s pretty pissed at you.’
I can almost feel her shrug.‘Oh, well.’The warmth that comes with her words chills ever so slightly.‘Are you coming back soon? The sun has almost set.’
She doesn’t have to elaborate. Ever since she had that vision of Void when we were in the cave together the night her body was marked with golden vines and flowers, she’s been uncomfortable in the dark. And understandably so. She shared that vision with me, and even the taste of Void’s shadow as it filled my throat was enough to give me nightmares.
‘I’ll be there in about a half hour. There’s something I need to take care of first.’
The healer’s quadrant is empty, save for two sleeping sirens still recovering from whatever injuries they received during the battles. There’s no sign of Rhett, so I move for the room where Jade is being held. If he’s not here, then I’ll just go back to Abby. This can wait, but I’m not sure when I’ll have a better opportunity to catch him alone. With Marein’s underwater city being all but empty while the sirens mourn the loss of their dead, I have a real chance to speak to Rhett without anyone overhearing.
Before I can even step fully into the room, Rhett’s voice snaps through the dimness. “I said I’m fine!”
“I didn’t say you weren’t.” He’s in the pool of water and I can just make out from the glow of algae that his back is to me. I can’t see Jade from this angle, but I’m here for Rhett, anyway.