Page 27 of Bound By Roses
I can’t make out his features from here, but I can see that there’s someone else in the water with him, their hands beneath him to ensure he stays motionless and his head doesn’t slip beneath the water. Merrick doesn’t hesitate and wades into the pool to Jade’s other side. Once he’s secure, the dragon—Nuri, if I remember her name correctly—exits the pool, passing Rhett on his way in to take his place at Jade’s other side.
This is all according to plan. If Jade awakens in a panic, not only will there be two strong dragons ready to restrain him, but Merrick’s and Rhett’s faces are the best choices for him to see first.
Next to mine.
I let go of Quinn’s hand and move to take my place in front of Jade. I expect the water to be as cold as it was in the bathing room, but it’s so warm that it’s actually quite pleasant.
I’ve been looking everywhere but at the body in front of me, but now that the time has come, I slide my eyes to Jade and my heart breaks all over again.
The last time I’d seen him, his skin was cracked and charred. But now? Much of his skin has regenerated thanks to the pool and his heightened healing abilities, which he must have retained. Raised, angry red lines ripple through his skin likecracks of molten rock running down the side of a volcano. It reminds me of the only artist’s depiction of Dragoria I’d seen in one of Lunae’s forbidden books.
His hair is only just starting to grow back, but it’s patchy and doesn’t appear quite as golden as it once did. It appears almost white, as if all colour was leached from it as he healed, though that could just be the unreliable lighting.
With his eyes closed and the absolute stillness brought about by the Morati Eternus flower, I can’t make out even the faintest hint of life in him. And then it hits me.
This looks nothing like the Jade I once knew.
Before I can force my voice to work, the healer steps forward. “I have a tea prepared to put him back to sleep if this is too much for him—and it very well might be. His body has healed, but the change in him is obvious. It is not just fear and uncertainty we must contend with. There might be pain. In all my years, I have never seen burns heal like this, so we are taking all precautions.” She pauses and makes eye contact with me, as if making sure that I understand that her word is law. “We will wake him, and no matter how he responds, we are putting him back to sleep in no more than five minutes. He is not ready to awaken permanently. This exercise is merely a test. I do not want any of you trying to prolong this.” Her eyes slide to Merrick and I don’t miss them narrowing. Has he voiced wanting to wake Jade sooner? If he has, no one told me.
“We understand,” Merrick says with a roll of his eyes. “Five minutes.” Something tells me this isn’t the first time they’ve had this discussion and although the healer looks as if she could be the same age as Tess, Merrick doesn’t seem to much enjoy her treating him like a child.
“At most. If he reacts badly—”
“We know.Iknow.” This is definitely not the first time they’ve had this discussion. “Do it.”
The healer turns back to me. I should really ask her name, but now is far from the time. “Are you ready? If what I’ve been told about you is true, your ability to control his form will greatly ease the risk both to him and us.”
There’s no point in lying. “I’ll never be ready. Just do it.”
Without so much as a nod, she hands a cup that must contain a tea made from the roots of Morati Eternus to Rhett, and he pours it into Jade’s mouth.
Jade is still for a long moment.
Too long.
I’m not breathing, and I’d be willing to wager that neither is any other soul in this room. What if it doesn’t work? What if Jade is too far gone and—
His body jerks violently. Merrick and Rhett tighten their holds on his arms in response, but his next thrash nearly pulls them beneath the water.
“Jade?” Merrick says through a tight jaw. “It’s okay. Open your eyes.”
Jade’s fierce kicks send splashes of luminescent water into the air before it cascades down, nearly soaking me. I resist the urge to block my face and keep my attention on Jade. If he shows any sign of shifting, I need to be ready.
The only sound that can be heard through the splashing is the panicked breathing and whimpers coming from Jade. I can’t tell if it’s pain or fear or if he’s just trapped so deep inside his own body that he doesn’t have enough control to even open his eyes or speak.
“Come on, man,” Rhett says. “I woke up. Now it’s your turn.” He sounds as defeated as I feel. This isn’t how things were supposed to go. This isn’t working. Jade is broken, and it’s my fault.
His body jerks again, more violently than before, but this time his eyes flash open and it’s impossible to miss the absolutehorror in them. Green eyes stare directly at me, but instead of recognition, all I see is hatred.
“Something’s wrong,” I say, unable to stop myself from taking a step back.
Before anyone can act, Jade lurches forward. His mouth opens in a guttural roar as his hands morph into claws.
Oh, shit!
Wings sprout from his back in a spray of water and steam. One of them hits Merrick in the face, knocking him sideways. “Fuck!” Merrick shouts, losing his grip and slipping off Jade’s arm.
Rhett holds tighter, his face strained with the exertion of using whatever strength he has to restrain the dragon at his side.