Page 33 of Bound By Roses
“Has he not recovered?” Her question is casual, but there’s a hint of something else there now.
“We tried to wake him, but it didn’t go well. There have been suggestions of…” It seems I’m unable to finish that sentence either.
“I see,” she says, the words clipped. “So we’re onthatpath.”
I want to ask for more, but something about her tone keeps me silent. When we arrive at the infirmary, we find it empty, save for the two healers and the two injured sirens who still occupy their beds. The old woman who agreed that murdering Jade was the best option narrows her eyes when she sees us, but I ignore her and march straight for the door where I know we’ll find Rhett. I don’t want to see Jade again so soon, but I’ve been selfish long enough.
“He’s in here,” I say, though I’m certain she already knows.
Kaylee unhooks her arm from mine and turns the wheel that opens the door. Her face illuminates with the light of the glowing algae as she enters ahead of me. My feet move on their own, following her inside just in case Rhett waits with a blade poised to kill anyone who enters. We really should have knocked first.
Just as I expected, Rhett’s panicked words come in a flurry. “Get back! Don’t make me kill you!” I hear splashing and realize he’s the only one in here, so he has to hold Jade afloat or risk him accidentally drowning. He didn’t exactly think this protection detail through, but at least we’re not here to hurt anyone.
“Rhett,” I say his name, though my voice doesn’t sound soothing. “Relax. I have a gift for you.”
The light is dim in here and I can just make out the form of Jade in the water and Rhett beside him, his blade reflecting blue light. The room brightens and I realize he’d been covering much of the algae with a blanket to keep this room dark—likely to surprise an unsuspecting attacker. Smart, but not entirely effective.
His face pales when he sees us, and he has to clear his voice to regain his words. “What are you doing here?”
I don’t answer because he’s not speaking to me. His eyes lock onto the girl beside me as if he’s seeing colour for the first time after spending years in a world of grey. He takes a mindless step forward, as if drawn to her. As he does, Jade sinks deeper into the pool, his head near dipping under completely.
I know what I have to do, and take a steadying breath before wading into the water and slipping my hands beneath Jade’s back. “I’ve got him.” This is the first time I’ve done this for Jade, but I should have been doing it from the start.
Rhett runs with the opportunity and clumsily lumbers out of the pool, nearly splashing Kaylee and definitely splashing me. He stops short just in front of her, hand raised but hesitant, as if he remembers how she always avoids his touch. If I noticed, of course he did too.
When she reaches for him, he stands completely still. Her fingers brush against the fabric of his shirt, unclasping the buttons and then pulling it down to reveal a circular scar on his shoulder. He lifts the bottom of his shirt to reveal the second hole.
“Turn your back to the flameless fire,” he says, repeating the words that lead to his injuries.
“I’m sorry. It was the only way you both would live.”
“I know. Jade said he would have died if you hadn’t warned us.”
She shakes her head. “Not Jade. You and Quinn. Jade had to live long enough to sacrifice himself for my brother. And you… You had to live for me.”
He sucks in a breath. “I wasn’t wrong, was I?”
“You weren’t wrong.”
“Then why—”
She puts a finger up and holds it just above his lips, only just not touching him. “I have seen so many futures. Followed so many paths. In every path where we were bonded, I would not have let you go.”
The weight of those words hit me square in the chest. If she and Rhett were bonded, Quinn would have died. She didn’t deny her connection to Rhett for her own sake. She did it to save her brother, and by extension, me. I can’t help but wonder if that’s why she almost left Rosewood when Imelda came to collect her. She only stayed because Rhett asked her to. Leaving would have made things easier on them both, but she couldn’t refuse him when it mattered.
It feels wrong to watch them, but I can’t bring myself to look away. Thank the Gods Quinn doesn’t have to witness this. Not even for his sake, but for theirs. They deserve this moment.
“What now?” Rhett asks, his voice gruff.
“All it takes is a touch. One single touch and everything will change.”
“Then touch me.” I can tell he wants to close the minuscule distance between them, but he locks himself in place. This is her choice to make because he’s already decided.
She doesn’t move. “There are more dark paths if we are bonded.”
“I don’t care. Touch me.” He holds out a hand. It trembles ever so slightly.
She swallows. “You’re more likely to die if we are bonded.”