Page 52 of Callow
“Do you think they will find them?”
“If they are any sort of lifetime criminals, leaving fingerprints would be amateur,” I told her. “But anything is possible. The ballistics on the spent bullets might come up with something too,” I said, wanting to give her hope.
“What am I supposed to do about the glass?” she asked, looking at the doors to the balcony where two small holes were now shot through the panes.
“For tonight, I can slap some packing tape on it. But I will call someone to come in and replace it as soon as possible. You okay?” I asked when she just stared at me.
“I… yeah,” he said, clearly wanting to keep her thoughts to herself. “Do you need any help?” she asked, nodding toward my pile of supplies.
“Nah. I got this. Wouldn’t mind a cup of coffee, though,” I said, looking out the window. Dawn hadn’t snaked across the sky yet, but it was only maybe an hour or so away.
“Me too,” she agreed, looking at the clock.
“What time do you have to leave?”
“I’m going to call in late. See if I can get in touch with Britney first. Have Daph spend a mental health day at their house. She can go back to school on Monday.”
I would have offered to watch her myself, but from the way it sounded, that Britney woman would definitely do it. And Daph would likely be more comfortable there.
So I got to work on the new locks on the door.
By the time I had a deadbolt and a chain attached, a door alarm set, a camera installed outside of the door, the ladder set up in a case on the balcony for easy access, and had given Sabrina a crash course in how to use the pepper spray and taser, the sun was bright in the sky and Sabrina’s friend was calling her back.
“All set?” I asked when she finished talking.
“She and Sam are both on their way over. They will sit with Daphne until she wakes up then take her to their place for me.”
“Sounds like a good plan,” I agreed.
“Callow… I don’t know how to than—“
“Don’t have shit to thank me for,” I cut her off.
“I’ll pay you back for—“
“The fuck you will,” I said, making a strangle little tinkering laugh escape her.
“Okay then,” she agreed. “Maybe we can bake you some cookies as thanks,” she said.
“I won’t turn down cookies,” I said, getting a smile out of her as she walked toward me, wrapping her arms around me with the ease that came surprisingly naturally to her.
The way my arms went right around her too? Yeah, that felt natural as fuck too.
We stood there just like that until there was a knock at the door that had us breaking apart.
“That’s them,” Sabrina said, slowly pulling away from me to go open the door for them, remembering just in time to turn off the alarm first.
Two women moved into the apartment. One was on the shorter side, thin, with blonde hair. Britney, I figured. The other was taller and a bit stockier. She was masc-presenting with short dark hair, loose jeans, and a flannel shirt over a white tee.
“Britney, Sam, this is Callow,” Sabrina introduced us. “He helped get us all set up with new locks,” she said as Britney looked between the two of us with bright eyes and a barely-contained smile.
“Nice to meet you,” Sam said, extending her hand to shake mine. “Thanks for taking care of them.”
I gave Sam a nod as her gaze slid over to the pepper spray and taser on the table.
“I can show you how they work,” Sabrina offered. “For while you’re here.”
“No need,” Britney said, giving her partner a smile. “Sam, ah, brought something of her own. For, you know, protection.”