Page 17 of Embers of Torment
Chapter 6
Irechecked my watch as I stepped from my car, parked a half block from Adam's West End apartment. I was late, but not terribly so since I had hustled like crazy at work to finish the 3D model I was working on for our newest project. Reaching Adam's building, I hurried inside, checked in with security, and strode toward the elevator lobby. I couldn't help pacing as I waited for one of the cars to come down from an upper floor.
Am I being an ass?
Damn, I had asked myself that question at least a half dozen times this evening. It seemed rude—more like mean—to get such enjoyment from Della's fear of scary movies. But, man, this was the perfect opportunity for me to be the protector and get close to her. And that was something I was aching to do. How I felt about her had morphed beyond curiosity and intrigue. I liked the woman and looked forward to getting to know her better.
I also wanted to ask Della on a date one day soon, provided tonight goes as well as I had hoped. There was an uncannyconnection between us that I couldn't nail down, and our personalities meshed well together. Della was the type of woman I could see myself with over the long term. She wasn't shallow or self-absorbed like Charlene or any of the other women I'd dated of late.
The elevator dinged, and the doors opened. My throat felt dry when I stepped inside. Pushing the button for the third floor, I leaned against the wall and stared at the mirror. My anticipation grew as I reached Adam's floor and hustled down the hall.
Adam beamed when he flung his door open. "Welcome to my apartment. I'm glad you're here. Della and I are still eating, so you made it in time for dinner." He took a step back and let me inside.
"I was hoping I wouldn't be too late." I followed Adam from the entryway into the kitchen and dining area. My mouth quirked upward when I spotted Della sitting at a table for four with her hair pulled back into her trademark ponytail.
"It's about time you got here," she teased.
"Better late than not at all."
"That's true."
Adam came from behind me and motioned toward the empty plate between his and Della's chairs. "Take a seat. Do you want some egg drop soup with the stir-fry and steamed rice?"
"I do. I was already hungry, and the heavenly aroma from your cooking has made it worse. My stomach is growling like I haven't eaten in days."
"Thanks. The dishes came out as scrumptious as the savory smell implies." Adam removed my plate from the table and took it into the kitchen while I pulled out the chair and sat.
"Poor baby." Della clucked her tongue and stabbed a piece of beef with her fork. She held it toward me. "Here. Take a bite while Adam fixes your plate."
"Hmm. We've progressed from sharing cups to forks." I leaned forward to take a bite as Della pulled her hand back.
"Wait a sec. You haven't picked up cooties or some strange disease since this morning, have you?"
"I have not. Now, give it back. You're teasing a starving man, so be careful," I laughed.
"Well, in that case, I better not tease. I wouldn't want you to eat my arm."
Della held the piece of beef out again, and I grabbed her wrist to keep her from taking it back. I leaned in and slowly took the meat from her fork while our eyes locked. Della's face flushed, and she retracted her hand as soon as I let her go.
My gaze dipped to her perfectly shaped and tantalizingly glossy purple lips.Damn. Why does Della feeding me a bite of her food feel so sexy?
"Here you go." Adam set my plate and a bowl of soup in front of me, ending whatever the hell was happening. "What would you like to drink? I have wine, soda, juice, or saké."
I cleared my throat and dabbed at my mouth with my napkin. "I've never had saké. I'll give it a try."
"Ooh, perfect. Someone new I can convert. A friend introduced me to drinking saké years ago, and it's become one of my favorite alcoholic beverages."
Adam looked giddy as he hurried into the kitchen. He returned holding a white porcelain cup painted with a colorful red, blue, and green dragon motif. After filling it with the milky liquid, he passed it to me. I lifted it to my nose, detecting a fruity scent.
Adam leaned forward on his elbows. "Tell me what flavor stands out to you."
"All right." I took a small sip, savoring the beverage on my tongue, and then swallowed. I jerked my head toward Adam. "Wow. That wasn't anything close to what I expected. It'ssweet, smooth, and creamy, and I can pick out cantaloupe and honeydew melon."
"Exactly! This bottle is one of my favorites. I have another saké that's sweeter, but it's best as an after-dinner drink." Adam refilled Della's cup and looked up, an aura of excitement lighting his face. "Trivia time. Guess the age of the oldest known alcoholic beverage and what it was?"
"I haven't the slightest idea." I glanced at Della and caught her snickering. "Okay. Why are you so amused?"