Page 20 of Embers of Torment
Turning, I spotted a medium-complexioned man with short black hair walking toward us. His hand went to Adam's shoulder when he stopped beside the couch.
The man, who I assumed was Theo, peered at the television and flinched. "Oh! That doesn't look good. What are you watching?"
Adam smiled up at him. "The Shining." His head swiveled back and forth between me and Theo. "Jace, this is Theo, my boyfriend. Theo, this is Jace. He's my buddy from college that I told you about."
"It's wonderful to meet you," Theo said. "Adam talks a lot about you."
"Good stuff, I hope."
"Ssh! We're watching a movie." Della eyed the three of us and scowled. "This is the end, too."
"Yes, ma'am." Theo grinned at her. Then he glanced at the screen and frowned. "Hey, wait a second. That's a thriller. You better not wake me up again because you had a nightmare."
Della narrowed her eyes. "I'm not going to have a nightmare or wake you. Now, hush."
The room went silent as we watched the end of the movie. Della's body relaxed as the credits came on.
"Now you can talk," Della declared, much to everyone's delight.
"That's all right. I'm going to shower and go to bed. I'm tired." Theo nodded at me. "Jace, I enjoyed meeting you." He turned his attention to Della. "I assume you're spending the night, so I'll see you in the morning. I'll make you those banana and pecan pancakes you like. And don't forget to leave your outfit here when you take off. It'll make a wonderful Halloween costume."
"Keep dreaming. I've told you a thousand times you can't have my jammies."
"Too bad," Theo laughed. He affectionately squeezed Adam's shoulder and walked toward the bedroom. "Good night, everybody," he called out as the door closed.
I was shrouded in disappointment as I nudged Della with my arm. "So you're not going back to your apartment?"
"Nope. When we get together over here for movie night, I leave the office with Adam, and he drives me home in the morning. That way, I know I'm not alone. Plus, it keeps me from freaking out on the T. Last time I left right after the flick, I thought everyone on the subway was out to get me. Some passengers eyed me like I was crazy, but I think that was because I muttered and hid under my hood."
"Please don't tell me you wore those pajamas on public transportation."
"Of course I did. I was comfortable."
"Oh, man. I don't think you should do that again, especially if it's late and you're alone. But now that we live in the same building, I can escort you to your apartment, so you don't need to stay. What do you think?" I smiled encouragingly at Della while internally willing her to accept my offer and let me take her home.
"Thanks, but I'm staying."
Della got up from the couch, and I joined her, stretching my back as I tried to hide my frustration.
"What about tomorrow? We can work out together in the fitness center. That is if you don't mind." I figured there was no harm in asking and hoped I wasn't pressing my luck.
"Maybe next weekend. I'm skipping my dance class in the morning. It's too hard to get into my workout after Theo makes one of his breakfasts. I'll end up stuffing myself like a puffer fish."
"I don't blame you," I laughed. "Banana and pecan pancakes sound delicious."
"You think? You could always show up on Adam's doorstep in the morning and have some gourmet pancakes with your dazzling friends."
"Dazzling, huh? I'm not sure about that one."
"Hey, I have a sparkling personality, remember? Oh, wait. I'm a gift to be treasured. That's what it was."
"You're not going to forget that comment, are you?"
"Nope. I plan on owning it. Della Nash, the gift to be treasured. I should get a plaque made and put it on display."
I laughed. "Well, you do that. And as much as I enjoy your razzing, I should go. I'm sure I'll see you sometime during the week."
"Yep, see you later. Be careful on your way home." Della held her hand in the air and executed the most royal wave I'd ever seen.