Page 22 of Embers of Torment
Kendra leaned back, leaving space for one of the servers who came to our table with our lunch order. After dispersing our sandwiches and drinks, the employee picked up our numbered stand. Tucking his tray under his arm, he hustled back toward the kitchen.
Kendra glanced at me while selecting a sweetener packet from the condiment caddy. "You'll have to explain what that means because I'm not following your logic."
"Okay, put it this way. Have you known any of my dates over the last six or eight months to go well?"
"Sure. The one where that cute stockbroker took you to that pricey steak house and… Never mind. I forgot he told you to order what you wanted and then claimed to have forgotten his wallet when the bill came. Damn, I think that date cost you some bucks."
"Thanks for the memory. Anyway, the point is my dating is going about as well as a train wreck. If I went out with Jace, I could almost guarantee that something embarrassing,uncomfortable, or irritating would eventually happen. We'd get pissed at each other and stop talking, which is bound to affect Adam. I don't want him to think he has to choose sides or feel bad because he introduced us. It would put Adam in a sticky situation, and he's so darn sensitive it would upset him."
"So you're willing to pass on a guy that you're interested in because you don't want to hurt Adam's feelings?"
"Yes, and don't roll your eyes at me like that. Adam's my best friend, and I don't want to destroy that."
"You're being ridiculous," Kendra muttered before taking a bite of her chicken salad sandwich. She washed it down with a sip of her iced tea and peeked at me over the rim of the glass. "I have an idea."
"What?" I eyed her with caution.
"Why don't you broach the subject with Adam and tell him how you feel?"
"Oh, heck, no. Adam would go nuts if he knew I was interested in Jace, and he'd try to push us together. Besides, Adam would never tell me the truth. If I asked him whether a failed relationship between Jace and me would affect him, Adam would say it wouldn't. But I know him too well. He'd take it personally."
"Why don't you mention it to Sofie and see what she thinks?"
"That wouldn't work either. Sofie would go the opposite direction and tell me Adam's a grown man capable of dealing with the situation and that I should do what I want. Then she'd go out of her way to set Jace and me up."
"I like her line of reasoning and agree with it."
"No," I groaned. "Adam's too sensitive. It's not that easy."
"Yes, it is, and I don't think it's Adam you're truly worried about. It's you. You're petrified that going out with this guy will become a disaster, and you don't want to get disappointed or hurt. But what you're failing to consider is that the caliber ofthe guys you've been seeing has been shitty. That's where the problem lies. It's not with you or dating in general. If he's a decent person, who knows where it could lead, and it's silly not to give it a chance."
"You're wrong." Frustrated and defensive, I shifted my attention to the counter and line of people waiting to order. I gasped and held my breath.
"What?" Kendra asked, trying to follow my gaze.
"It's him."
"Him who?"
"Jace. Adam's friend. He's wearing a forest green button-down shirt. Freaking monkey muffins! Do I look okay?" I nervously scanned my blouse and pants.
Kendra burst out laughing. "Oh, shit. You do like this guy. I don't think I'veeverseen you care about impressing someone. And, my God, he's adorable."
"Shut up, okay? It's not like this is a big place. I don't want him to hear you and notice me sitting here." I looked back at the counter and met Jace's startled gaze. I swallowed, my throat becoming dry.
A smile lit up Jace's face as he walked toward our table, holding a take-out bag. "Della. I didn't expect to see you here."
"Yeah, well. I didn't plan to see you either. Kendra and I come here for lunch on occasion. She's my sister-in-law." I turned to Kendra. "This is Adam's friend, Jace."
An evil little light seemed to pop into Kendra's eyes. "Oh, I see. He's the one you were telling me about."
"Really? You were talking about me?" Jace chuckled.
"I was not!"
"All right then. But I hope it was positive, whatever you weren't saying about me." Jace winked at Kendra. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
"Same here," Kendra said with obvious enjoyment.