Page 66 of Glass Omega
Something hot pressed to my still twitching pussy, sliding in between the folds up and down. His cock, I realized hazily as I lifted my head just in time to see the bulbous head brush up into view.
“Did Oona give you the birth control I asked for?”
I nodded. It had confused me at first because the whole point of my being here was so that I could give birth to his child. It didn’t make much sense for me to try and prevent pregnancy, no matter how low of a chance there was of it happening outside of my heat.
But I’d done as I was told.
“Good,” Edison pressed the thick head of his cock to the weeping entrance of my pussy. “Because I’m about to fill you up with so much cum that we’re going to really test the potency of those little pills.”
Edison put his hands on either side of my head, holding himself above me as we stared at each other.
“This might hurt, pet, so I want you to put that pretty mouth of yours right here and give it all back to me tenfold,” Edison nodded at his shoulder.
“I don’t want to bite you,” I said, suddenly feeling shy again.
Edison’s chuckle filled the room. “Okay, but you might change your mind in a minute.”
Then he was pressing forward, the head of his cock stuck at the entrance of my pussy for a moment until finally it gave way to the pressure and he began to slip inside of me.
At first, I was so shocked by the sudden invasion that I didn’t feel anything except for the overwhelming sense of fullness as he continued to push inside. Then, my brain finally registered the new burn of being stretched further than I ever had before.
Nothing but fingers and Edison’s tongue had ever been inside of the tight channel and now Edison was putting what I was pretty sure was a thicker than normal cock inside.
My mouth opened in a soundless scream as I tried to ignore the stinging pain.
“Pet,” Edison’s teeth were clenched together as he spoke. “Bite me.”
Mindlessly, I lifted my head and found the muscled flesh of his shoulder. I sank my teeth in, listening as Edison grunted but still continued to press inside.
My arms wrapped around his chest and I clung to him as he lifted me up off of the desk, strong hands cradling me into the curve of his torso as he finally seemed to bottom out.
A thick ring of flesh, his knot, I realized dazedly as I panted around the flesh I was currently biting, sat just outside of the entrance of my pussy. I wasn’t sure where the hell it was supposed to fit now that he was fully seated inside of me.
“Feeling better?” Edison whispered in my ear, his breath hot on my neck.
I nodded, finally releasing my teeth from his shoulder. I hadn’t broken any skin, but it was definitely going to bruise. Just the idea filled me with a strange sort of pride. Instinctively, I ran my tongue along the mark similarly to how Edison would if he ever bonded with me.
The intense burn of Edison taking my virginity was all but gone now and all I felt was a warmth as he shifted his hips and hugged me to his chest.
“I’m going to start moving now, give me another one of those bites if it becomes too much.”
The first few pulls and pushes of his hips were uncomfortable, akin to the same feeling as pressing a finger into a fresh scrape, but the more he moved the more the discomfort shifted and changed until I found myself starting to move my hips in order to meet him on his next thrust.
“There you go, good girl,” Edison praised as I relaxed underneath him, the same tingling sensations from when he was touching me earlier starting to return.
He continued to whisper in my ear, his hips rolling almost too slowly for my liking.
Then I felt his hips stutter.
“Edison?” I pulled my face away from his neck to get a good look at him and found his eyes looking over my shoulder. “What is it?”
I started to turn, thinking that maybe someone had stumbled upon us, but he stopped me and his hips slammed into mine with more ferocity than before.
“It’s nothing,” Edison growled, his mouth catching the moan that left my mouth with the pick up in pace. “I thought someone was coming in, but I was wrong.”
In the back of my mind, I knew the way he phrased his words was odd, but I was too far gone to care at this point.
I clung to him, wanting nothing more than to feel even more of him—to get that first overwhelming sense of fullness that he’d given me on his first push inside.