Page 56 of Bombshell
“In what world would I ever stop loving you just because you can’t have children?” Dallan asked softly, cupping my jaw in both of his hands as he forced me to look him in the eye. “Effie, you could bring home fifty cats and call them your babies and I would be their father. You could bring home a rock for all I care and if you loved it, I would love it too.”
“But don’t you need to keep your race going? Isn’t that the point of fighting against extinction?” This was the most frank discussion we’d ever had about this before and it was as if I was laying myself bare for him to see in a way that I wasn’t used to.
Dallan shook his head as if that was the stupidest thing I could have said. “If I wanted a mate just to keep my alreadydying race going then I wouldn’t look for one at all, Lass. If you want me and I want you, that’s all that matters. All of the other shit is just noise.”
Despite trying to put on a brave face, tears started to well up in the corner of my eyes.
“You make me feel like I’m worth so much sometimes that whenever someone reminds me of what I am it hurts even worse.”
Dallan sighed. Using his thumb, he wiped away one of the stray tears that had trailed down my cheek. “I’m sorry I can never truly understand how you feel, Lass, my parents are of different races but Cthulhu genetics don’t work that way. But I can promise to give an ocean swirlie to anyone who calls you that fucking word or any other insult like it again. Just like I gave that woman today.”
In spite of my still raw emotions, I smiled. “And if it’s a client?”
“Especially if it’s a client, my ink has no business being on the arm of a bigot,” Dallan said very seriously before wrapping his arms around me and giving me a tight squeeze.
“I’m still mad at you, you know.”
“I know.”
“Never keep anything like this from me again. If we have a problem we have to solve it together.”
There was a heavy pause. “Like mates would do?”
I nodded, pressing my nose into his chest and inhaling his unique scent. “Yes, like mates would do.”
Chapter 16
“Effie,” I groaned as I felt her hot, wet mouth close over my cock. “What time is it?”
There was something about coming out of a dream about the green-haired minx and into a reality where she was doing her favorite morning pastime: torturing me, and quite literally, waking me up with a bang.
The mouth around my length lifted before a cheeky, still slightly groggy voice replied. “Early. I woke up to go to the bathroom and saw this and I couldn’t resist. Are you having naughty dreams, Dallan?”
“About you?” I muttered, scrubbing a hand down my face. “Always, Lass.”
Her chuckle was naughtier than anything I could have ever dreamed as she brushed her tongue along the ridged underside of my cock.
A full month had passed since the day the baby started shifting inside of Daphne, and dare I say it, everything was surprisingly normal. The shop opened and closed every day, Daphne went for her appointments, and Effie still went three times a week to the mansion to learn about her unique kind of magic.
Even Arsenio seemed to be leaving Effie alone at the mansion when she went for her lessons with Alexander. It was almost as if all of the revelations that were made that day hadn’t meant anything at all.
While things had been relatively peaceful, even I knew there wasn’t a chance in hell that Arsenio was going to give up on Effie being his Guardian. I could feel it deep in my bones, so much so that I’d put Art on discovering anything and everything he could about the Source.
Which… wasn’t yielding the results I’d have liked. Unfortunately he hadn’t been able to find much about it other than some old records of it causing havoc as soon as it left the Fae realm. Hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, wildfires, if you could think of a natural disaster, and the Source was linked to it.
“Are you really not paying attention to me right now, Dall?” Effie asked with a pout as she gave my cock a firm, almost painful squeeze, making me grunt.
“Sorry, Lass, my mind was getting the better of me for a moment,” I apologized and reached down to brush the bed head curls out of her face.
Effieharrumphedand gave my cock another rough pump. “I must not be doing a very good job then.”
She crawled up my body until the slit of her cunt wrapped around my shaft, and then for good measure, she lifted the skirt of the satin nightdress she was wearing so we could both watch as she rubbed herself onto me in slow, easy strokes, pressing mycock into my stomach as she took her pleasure and made herself wet enough to accept me.
Then Effie started to play her favorite game. “This might be a good time to talk about making Byrne a permanent employee.”
I groaned as she lifted her hips up and began to toy with me, notching the head of my length at her soaking entrance and shifting her hips before it could slide inside.
“Is this really the right time to talk about this?” I asked, wanting nothing more than to grab her hips and pull her onto my cock in one smooth motion, but I knew that would end our playful morning sex and there was almost nothing more that I liked more than morning sex.