Page 100 of Love Harder
So congratulations, you made it to the end.
This story is reflective of millions, but unique because there is only ever one me.
One Ghost.
One Dimples.
One Switzerland.
One Brooklyn.
And of course, one of The Unicorn.
I got my “closure” with Ghost, but realized there is never such a thing with someone who does the damage that he did.
He quit his job and vanished off socials.
Seems he wanted to ghost himself too.
Dimples is still a wound too fresh. I write this without a tear shed because my head and my heart are fighting two different battles. Soon, however, they’ll be on the same battlefield, and that’s when I will mull over what went wrong.
Maybe one day I will talk to Dimples. But today is not that day.
Brooklyn is honestly a distant memory already. That’s an awful thing to admit, but it makes me feel better in a sense because he was never my person.
As for Switzerland, his leaving was one of the hardest things I ever had to deal with. I had to say goodbye to someone I didn’t want to say goodbye to.
He taught me so much. But most of all, he helped me heal.
Switzerland did things for me that showed me he cared. He lit candles in his room so it was reflective of my bedroom as he said. He bought me vegan ice cream. He always offered me a blanket, thinking I was cold. He was mindful not to eat meat around me, even though I didn’t mind. He always,alwaysensured we touched. He would envelop me in his arms and cuddle me tight.
I don’t regret meeting him. He was everything I needed in the short amount of time that we were together.
I always wanted more with him, but he gave me what he could.
But boy number five…The Unicorn. He shattered everything I thought I knew and taught me that the spectrum of colors comes in so many beautiful shades. He taught me that things aren’t always what they seem.
I didn’t know whatmorewas until I met him.
He knocked me onto my ass (not before slapping it, of course, every single day) but ensured he picked me up time and time again.
I don’t think he is aware of how special he is.
Well, he is to me anyway.
He is loyal.
As I am to him.
I thought all the other men in my past were the real deal, but they weren’t. They were a learning curve. A stopover to the final destination…however, I am still not there yet.
But I’m close.
The Unicorn has done the one thing I never thought was possible ever again—he makes me feel safe.
He always makes sure I’m okay.