Page 65 of Ride With Me
He could hear his heart rate rising to a thunderous roar in his ears, and Bishop’s was thumping alongside it as a booming cannonade. It sounded beautiful, powerful, and Blue was absolutely hypnotized by such an intense sensation. He usuallycouldn’t stand the sound of someone else’s heart, but Bishop’s served as an unexpected complement.
Blue had never experienced anything like this, and he was actually trembling when Bishop slid one of his strong hands along his hip.
Fuck, Bluewantedhim.
He had to have Bishop. It was an inexplicable need that was resonating in the marrow of his bones, and he had to have him right now. He wanted to consume Bishop in the most basic of ways, to take his cock and ride him until his thighs were on fire and then get pounded down into the bed.
Bishop was equally desperate, panting frantically as he kicked his way out of his pants. “Come on, boy. Let’s fuckin’ get it, huh?”
“As long as you’re talking about sex, yes.” Blue used his grip on the cord to push Bishop onto his back so he could climb on top of him.
Bishop grinned. “This is what the fuck I’m talkin’ ’bout.” He slapped Blue’s thighs playfully. “Giddyup!”
Blue rolled his eyes, yanking the cord tight.
“What?” Bishop wheezed.
“I am not fucking you if you keep saying dumb shit like that.”
“Fine, fine!” Bishop snickered breathlessly. “I’ll just talk dirty. How’s that?”
“It better not involve any cowboy talk or chickens or any of that crap. Got it?”
“Got it.”
Blue hesitantly released his grip on the cord. “You have lube?”
“Of course I do.” Bishop grinned. “Got lube, toys, condoms, whatever.”
Blue stared.
“Hey!” Bishop cackled. “Don’t look at me like that! What’s wrong with bein’ prepared for a good time, huh?”
Blue rolled his eyes. “Where?”
“Down right there in my bag.” Bishop pointed.
“Stay put,” Blue ordered as he slid out of bed.
“Sir, yes, sir. Ten-four.”
Blue unzipped the bag, glancing back to make sure Bishop wasn’t moving.
Bishop grinned and waved. “Still right here. Ain’t tryin’ nothin’, promise.”
“Right.” Blue opened up the bag and found a bottle of lube, but he paused on a big black case. He looked inside, blinking at the strange device within.
It looked like a giant electric toothbrush, but where the piece with the bristles would have attached was a glass tube with a round protrusion at the end. There was a dial on the base and a long cord to plug into a wall socket.
Blue blinked. “What the fuck is this?”
“That there is a violet wand.” Bishop grinned from ear to ear. “It’s for stimulation of the electrical kind, ya feel me? Go on and grab it.”
Blue made a face. “I’m not really into receiving pain. Dick, yes.”
“No, dumbass, for me.” Bishop laughed. “C’mon now and let’s have some real fun.” His eyes gleamed. “You may not like hurtin’ yourself, but you like hurtin’ other people, huh? That really get your goat goin’, don’t it?”
Blue couldn’t deny that observation, so he grabbed the case and the bottle of lube. He plugged the wand into the wall where the lamp had been and then retook his place on top of Bishop. “How does it work?”