Page 42 of Texas Temptation
“I’m your efficient, competent secretary. How will people respect that if I look like a kid wearing jeans?” she countered.
Amusement lit his eyes.
“Efficient and competent, huh?”
She flushed. “Well, I want to look the part, at least.”
“You’ve done well, especially for someone without a secretarial background. Come have something to eat. I want to leave soon.”
The rest of the day passed in a whirl. Jordan met the key players at the Los Angeles office. While there were some brief comments made about Penny’s absence, she’d already talked to most of the staff on the phone, so they knew to expect her. She didn’t try to do more than she knew how. The others respected her for it and were more than helpful.
Cade was in his element. She watched, fascinated, as he took control, without blatantly stepping on toes. There was no question the other men respected his business savvy and took their direction from him.
When they talked about multi-million dollar mistakes, her eyes widened. Focusing on the notebook and notes she was taking for Cade, she tried to adjust her thinking. The man was far wealthier than she’d suspected if this was merely one portion of the many companies he directed. No wonder funding Caleb’s operation hadn’t been a hardship for him.
She still planned to repay him, but more from her own sense of honor than any need for money on his part.
Jordan fell asleep immediately after her head hit the pillow later that night. The day had started early in Texas and ended late in California. Did he keep up such a hectic pace normally?
She gave no thought to Cade, only a room away. Grateful for the break, she slept through the night without interruption.
Cade checked his watch once again. It was after seven and he had not heard a single sound from Jordan’s room. Their breakfast would arrive soon.
He walked to the window and drew open the drapes. LA was on the move, cars and buses crowding the streets, the high morning fog from the sea mere wisps of gray against a pale blue sky.
He walked to her door and listened. Nothing. Knocking softly, he waited. Had she wakened earlier and gone out for a walk?
Cade turned the knob and pushed the door open slightly, peering into Jordan’s room. She was still fast asleep, on her side, her face resting on one hand like a child.
Stepping in, he watched her sleep for several seconds. She looked younger, more like the Jordan he’d come to know over the last few weeks than the woman who had worn the trappings of a corporate employee yesterday.
That had startled him. He never noticed what Penny wore. She was always suitably turned out for whatever meeting or social event they attended. Yet on Jordan, it had looked artificial.
He liked the way she normally looked, he realized. Like now, her skin flushed from sleep, her hair in disarray around her head. The soft rise and fall of her breasts as she slept drew his eyes.
Desire hit him like a powerful punch. He wanted her as he had wanted no one in a long time. Maybe ever. She was a pretty woman, but not beautiful. She seemed so innocent despite having a child and working on her own for several years. Maybe it was because of the hardships she’d survived that he admired her so much.
Or because of her cheerful attitude despite difficulties that would overwhelm another person.
He enjoyed having her in his life, he realized. Even Caleb was growing on him, despite his vow to remain apart from potentially hurtful situations.
“Jordan?” he called softly.
She didn’t stir. Cade noted it for future reference—Jordan slept deeply and wasn’t easy to awaken.
His voice louder, he entered her room and crossed to the bed. Hesitating only a moment, he placed his hand on her shoulder, registering instantly the warmth of her soft skin, the silky texture. Shaking her gently, he left his hand there, absorbing the feel of her against his palm.
“Jordan, it’s time to get up. We have a lot to do today.”
Her eyes came open slowly. For a moment, he recognized her confusion. Then she met his gaze and looked startled. Reluctantly, Cade removed his hand, wishing he could come up with a reason not to.
“How late is it?”
She sat up. Suddenly aware of the barely there nightie she wore, she pulled the sheet up to her chin.
“It’s after seven. Breakfast will be here any minute and I want to leave by eight.”