Page 51 of Texas Temptation
Once, long ago, she’d thought a man would want to marry her. Instead, he’d vanished from her life completely. Now she was grateful. The love she felt for Cade was far stronger than any she’d imagined for Caleb’s father.
But marriage—it had been the last thing she’d expected.
He reached for her when she came near, pulling her into his embrace.
“I’m dusty and sweaty from riding,” he said, looking down into her eyes.
“I don’t mind a bit,” she said, reaching up to kiss him.
Would she always be breathless around him, always become instantly inflamed by his kisses? She hoped so.
Winding her arms around his neck, she kissed him, pouring as much of her love into the embrace as she could. She loved him and he loved her. They were going to spend their lives together.
Wait until she told Caleb. And Amelia. And Julie.
“I love you, Cade,” she whispered against his mouth.
He pulled back a bit.
“Then it’s settled. We’ll get married and you’ll stay here. Let me take a quick shower and then we’ll tell the others,” he said, brushing his thumb across Jordan’s damp lips. “Caleb will be delighted.”
Jordan smiled, her arms still looped around his neck. He was hers. She could touch him whenever she wanted. See him whenever she wanted. She wished she could run up to the rooftop and shout the news to the world. Take an ad out in every daily paper in the country, plaster billboards with the news.
“I’m sure he’ll be thrilled. But he’ll pester you to death now to let him be a cowboy,” she said, pleased he included Caleb in the arrangement.
She had to imagine the pain that flickered in his eyes. This was a joyful occasion.
He nodded, gently pulling her arms down. “I’ll meet you for lunch and we’ll tell Amelia and Caleb together.”
Jordan watched him walk down the hall to his own room, wishing she dare follow him. She’d love to be there when he came out of the shower. Talk while he dressed.
She turned back to her bed and quickly unpacked. The next move would be to Cade’s room, and she wouldn’t need the suitcase for that.
Of course, there were her things in Florida. Maybe he’d like to take their honeymoon there and pack up her apartment. It didn’t sound that romantic, but it’d be practical.
She brushed her hair, her thoughts spinning. How soon could they marry? Would he stay at the ranch more, or move them to his penthouse in Dallas? Staring at the bright color in her face, she just grinned, letting the delight blossom in her heart.Cade loved her.
Or did he?
She paused, brush suspended midair, suddenly realizing he’d never said the words.
But surely a man didn’t ask a woman to marry him if he didn’t love her. Guys weren’t as mushy as women. Hadn’t she always heard that? Of course, he loved her.
She stared at herself in the mirror, doubts crowded in. He had to love her. She loved him so much she couldn’t stand it if he didn’t love her back.
But he hadn’t said the words.
And she had—loud and clear.
Was he shy? She almost laughed, except fear gripped her. She couldn’t picture Cade shy about anything. So why hadn’t he said the word back?
Because he didn’t love her.
He was still in love with his first wife. Jordan was just—what? A convenience? Or was he offering her a place to live for some other reason?
Cade made the announcement at lunch as soon as they sat, with Rosita present. Jordan hadn’t talked to him and couldn’t now with everyone bubbling over with the news. But later, she’d corner him later and get some answers. In the meantime, she put on a cheerful face and tried not to let the doubts and fears gain dominance.
“Oh, my dear,” Amelia rose instantly and came to give Jordan a hug. “I’m so delighted.”