Page 53 of Texas Temptation
“Sounds good,” she said, her heart rate increased with his casual kiss. Just as if they were already old, married folks. She was the luckiest woman on the face of the earth. For a few hours she kept that thought in the forefront, refusing to dwell on the doubts.
After dinner, Jordan supervised Caleb’s bath, careful not to let his head get wet, nor let him move suddenly, which could cause a problem with his healing eye. Once he was in bed, they talked for a while about the changes in their lives. He didn’t mind leaving the ocean if he could have a dog and a pony and one day go on roundups.
Jordan was delighted her son took to the change, but wondered how strong the bond with Cade would become. Would he have time for Caleb? Or constantly be drawn to working long hours as he had in the weeks they’d lived at the ranch?
Once Caleb was settled for the night, Jordan went to find Cade. Time to talk. She wandered down to the study. Amelia had already returned to her cottage for the evening. Rosita was in her room, so it would be just the two of them, with no chance of interruption. Jordan’s heart sped up in anticipation of what the two of them might find to do that went beyond discussion.
She paused in the doorway, studying the man she loved. His shoulders were broad, strong enough to support the weight of the world, she thought whimsically. His dark hair beckoned. She wanted to run her fingers through it, claiming him as hers.
He was studying a photograph. Curious, Jordan entered the room and crossed to the desk.
He looked up, his face shuttered.
“Hi,” she said softly, her eyes on the picture. It was of a young girl. “Is that Vicki?”
He nodded and held the photo out for her inspection.
She’d been a darling child, bright and laughing in the pose. Jordan felt a clutch of sadness at the thought of this happy life being cut so short. She handed it back.
“She was beautiful,” she said. “Do you have other pictures?”
He nodded, slipping the photograph into the top drawer of the desk.
“Ask Amelia. She kept them all. She can show you the entire clan. I’m sure she plans to invite them all to the wedding.”
Jordan sat gingerly on the edge of the desk.
“If you want to just stand up in front of a judge, that would work for me.”
She’d given up dreams of a white dress and a formal church wedding after Caleb’s father vanished. The wedding wasn’t what was important to her. The marriage was.
Cade held out his hand, and Jordan took it. He drew her over to him and settled her in his lap, resting his head on the softness of her hair. He meant to go through with the wedding.
Bleakly, he gazed off into space, holding one woman, thinking of another wedding. Of the parties, the excitement, the surety they both had of love everlasting.
Jordan deserved the same excitement, the same happiness. She didn’t know many people in Texas. It wouldn’t be the same. But he wanted her to be happy. To have memories she could cherish in the years to come.
“What do you think of a garden wedding?” he asked. “Amelia will invite a few thousand guests and we could have an old-fashioned Texas-style barbecue for a reception.”
“A few thousand? You’re joking, right?”
The uncertainty in Jordan’s voice touched him. And once again affirmed he had made the right decision.
“You know Amelia, she never met anyone who wasn’t an instant friend. But I suspect thousands is a bit of an exaggeration. Maybe only several hundred. Once you get all the cousins and family, the entire town, and my business associates, it’ll be a crowd. You’ll have friends you want to invite.”
“Few, and I doubt they’ll be able to come to Texas anyway,” she said slowly.
“Hey, for your wedding, we’ll send them airline tickets.”
She shook her head.
“Too expensive.”
Cade wanted to tell her she never need worry about money again. After years of fending off relatives and acquaintances interested in that money, Jordan was a refreshing change. Was that the reason he wanted to shower her with anything she desired?
Or was it to make up for the lack in him? She wanted hearts and flowers and love everlasting, and he had only a home to offer and the ability to provide for her son. He hoped it’d be enough. In the meantime, he’d get Penny to find out more about Jordan’s closest friends and make the arrangements—once they decided on a wedding date.
“How soon would you like to get married?” he asked.