Page 21 of Sins Of Her Sister
I find myself in the school's natatorium next. Looking around to make sure no one else is around, I strip down to our bra and panties. What a day to choose lace undergarments, Layla. Deciding I don’t actually give a fuck, I dive in. The water is just the right temperature and feels amazing against our skin. I circle a few laps and float for a while. After a couple of hours, I see that the sun is gone and it's probably safe to head home.
I walk the halls attempting to be quiet just in case. I really don't feel like running into anyone and ridding the world of problems, but I stop when I hear a noise. Straining my ears to listen harder, I hear whispers and then moaning. I make my way closer to the noise to see who it is. What can I say? Layla might be a nice girl, but I'm a nosey bitch.
I get further down the hall until I’m right by the classroom where the noise is coming from, noticing the door is cracked open. Fucking idiots. It's like they are begging to get caught. Peeking through the door window, I can't control the grin on my face when I see who it is: that bitch, Vanessa, and Mr. Scott. Using my foot to push the door open, I stood in the doorway for a good five minutes and they still hadn’t noticed me. Vanessa is sitting on top of Mr. Scott's desk with her shirt pulled off and her red bra nestled under her breasts. The thought of how nice they would look being sliced off crosses my mind. Her red mini skirt is bunched up around her waist and her red laced thong hangs off one leg. Damn, does this bitch have any other color in her wardrobe?
I move my focus to Mr. Scott. His white button up is hanging open with a white muscle shirt laying underneath. His trousers and belt hung loose on the floor around his feet. Their mouths attack each other's faces like they're trying to swallow their entire head as his mediocre dick pumps in and out of Vanessa’s pussy. For a whore, she sure isn't wet. I can see that from way over here. Clearing my throat, I step into the room.
“Well, well, well...What do we have here?” Gasping, Vanessa pushes Mr. Scott away while he yanks up his khakis and hurries to button them.
“Oh, please, don’t stop on my account. You two were putting on quite the show. Nothing like free live porn to get the night going.” I snicker.
Pulling her bra over her chest, Vanessa jumps off the counter and strides toward me getting in our face, but stumbles when she notices the darker color of our eyes. She quickly regains her false confidence.
“Get the fuck out of here, loser,” Vanessa sneers. If only she knew who she was dealing with.
“Jesus, do you have a fucking breath mint? I can smell the desperate dick sucking all over your breath…or is that just how it always smells?” I smirk. Vanessa rears back to slap us, but I catch her by the wrist before it lands.
“Tsk, tsk, Vee. It's okay if I call you Vee, right? I wouldn't do that if I were you.” Vanessa attempts to slap us with her other hand, but I grab her by the back of the head and ram our elbow into her nose. She breaks away from our grip, crouching over and holding her nose. I cackle as blood pours everywhere.
“You bitch!” Vanessa sneers. “I think you broke my nose!” I smirk at her.
“Oh, Vee. I’m going to do a lot worse than break your nose.” I bang Vanessa's head on the side of a student's desk. She crumples to the floor, now holding her head and broken nose.
Turning to a shocked Mr. Scott, I place our hands on his chest.
“What if I wanted to have fun with you, too? Sit the fuck down Mr. Scott…” I see the bob in his throat as he does what I say.
Yanking the computer cables from the computer, I straddle Mr. Scott’s lap. I’m tying his wrist to the armrest when he tries to stop me.
“Ahh, ahh,” I give him my flirty smile. “You don't want to do that. Or everyone’s going to find out that you’re fucking your student.” I giggle. “Then you'll lose your precious job.” Mr. Scott puts his hand back down. Too bad he thinks he will still be able to work after tonight. Not my problem.
After both arms are secured, I get off his lap and start looking through his desk drawers. Zip ties catch my eye in the bottom left drawer, where he keeps all his snacks and a bottle of a clear liquid. I pick it up to realize its lube.
“Came prepared, did we Mr. Scott?” I giggle as I walk toward Vanessa with zip ties in hand. Still crying on the floor, I fist a handful of her hair and drag her face down to a student’s desk. Flipping her flat on her back, I settle ontop of her, gathering her wrists in our hands.
“Get the fuck off of me, you psycho bitch!” she screams. The grin on our face spreads wider. I take the zip ties and secure her wrists behind her back. I stand enough to take our pants off. If I'm going to be here all night, I might as well have fun. I crouch down over Vanessa's face, rubbing our panty covered pussy all over it. Making sure to get her nose to rub our clit, I can hear her muffle screams from under me.
“I'm sorry, did you say something?” I moan, thrusting myself faster and faster, grinding until I'm right on the edge and my orgasm is pouring out of me. “Fuck, Vee…I should’ve known being a dirty slut you would be good for one thing,” I half moan as I come back down. As I start scooting down toward her legs, Vanessa is screaming hysterically. Jesus, she should be happy I let her experience that. Some people are so ungrateful.
Grabbing her ankles, I take two zip ties and secure them together. Rolling Vanessa on to her stomach, I reach for her wrists and secure them together. I take a step back and admire my handiwork: Vanessa's tearstreaked face covered in blood and our arousal. I find a stapler on Mr.
Scott's desk.
“Let us go, please. I'll pay you however much money you want.” Mr. Scott finally says. Laughing like a lunatic, I turn to face him.
“One, it's funny that you think you can afford to buy us off. Secondly, this was never about money.” I blow him a kiss, then give my attention back to Vanessa. She eyes me warily, goosebumps cover her arms, tears still pouring down her red face, barely making out the small whimpers she lets loose. I reach down to take our underwear off. They're completely soaked and won't be dry anytime soon. Squeezing Vanessa’s jaw, I force her mouth open.
“Open up, Vee…We have a treat for you.” Not being able to fight my strength, I shove our cum filled panties into her mouth and then force it closed. I start to staple her mouth shut, counting as I go.
“One staple for being a bitch, two staples for being a whore, three staples because I don't like you, and foor staples because well you're breathing my air and that just won't do.” After I've finished stapling her mouth shut, I observe her face. She's gone a little pale and I can tell she wants to scream, but between the underwear she's trying not to swallow and her mouth being stapled shut, she can't. I don't understand why Layla hasn't done this before. It's amazing what some office supplies can do.
Turning back to Mr. Scott, I see his face has also gone a little white, looking in complete terror. Standing behind him, I push his chair with him tied to it until he's sitting right in front of Vanessa.
“Vee, me and mister are going to put on a show for you,” I say cheerfully. Leaning down to his ear, I whisper, “Are you ready Mr. Scott?”
“You are a sick bitch. Let us go, Layla!” he yells. Sigh…Here we go with this shit again.
“Why does everyone always assume Layla would pull this crazy shit? Oooo, what if she had an evil twin?” I ask excitedly, walking around, so I am standing in front of him.